say he is working or studying but is coming up for the day (before you go - id assume they're ok with you SEEING him) - if they ask when you get back just say he was tired and didnt want to crash and die so he slept on the couch (after you get back)/quote]
But I'm not a good liar (when it comes to things like that) and furthermore, even the fact that he could have been sleeping near me will cause problems.

They haven't let him stay over here, even when we've arrived back at 3 in the morning after new years eve (and the poor boy had to drive a further hour to get home....

Thanks for trying anyway. I really do appreciate that everyone has bothered to reply!!
Xayma said:
I would possibly consider telling them if they asked who was going, but then lie and say you will not be sharing a room (say you are sharing one with a friend if its concievable). But he is a friend after all. You would possibly have a better chance if he is the only boyfriend coming, because you are then less likely to have sex.
Well he's not, he's one of 3 boyfriends coming, and 1 of 6 guys (the other 3 are single at the moment)
I definatley won't tell them I'm sharing a room even if I do tell them he's going. I should have stipulated that as a given. The problem is, they'd still have issues that he was coming with us.
kimi said:
I'd tell them, then when they object say "Well if I just wanted to have sex I could do 10000 things cheaper than this. This is about wanting a holiday, not about sex, stop controlling me and get the fuck out of my country."
Then slam a door or something for dramatic effect.
A scenario I've always dreamed of, but would yield really bad results. Thanks, but that would be tantamount to suicide and is the quickest was of getting a no no no no and no.
EGronk said:
Lie to them, then tell them when you get back.
Reiterate the fact that you wouldn't have lied if they weren't so possessive of you.
This is the only way it is going to end.
I am serious, you need to make them understand.
Please please please go on this holiday, for your sake. I can't bare to think about people not doing these normal things, that they will enjoy because of bullshit situations.
No matter what happens, whether you tell them or not, go on the fucking trip.
Hmm.... your way does seem to be, so far, the best way.... Will give it serious consideration. Thanks!!
tempco said:
Honestly, some of you don't seem to appreciate anything your parents have done for you. It's not as simple as "it's my body and my life". You owe them a lot, and you'll never be able to pay off that debt. The least they deserve is the truth.
Oh but I do. Thats why I have this conundrum. If I didn't care about what my parents think, I'd say, fuck you, Jasons coming with me, we're going to have lots of orgyastic sex with the other two couples coming and theres nothing in all fuck you can do about it.
But I'm not am I? But I know they'll flip out if I do tell them. Thats why I'm asking this question yes?
Anonymou5 said:
With regards to the holiday you're right, if she's paying for it then her parents shouldn't have much of a say about what she does on her trip. But I think that the least she could do is tell her parents who is accompanying her. It doesn't matter whether or not they agree with what she plans to do. It would be quite spineless for her to not even tell her parents if they ask her - telling them is the least she could do if she still lives in their home.
Don't tell me I'm spineless, you don't know me and you sure as hell do not know what my parents are like. You fucking try and tell my parents that you're going on holiday with your boyfriend/girlfriend and see what the reaction is.
With regards to telling them, because I owe them the truth, I agree with you. Thats why this thread exists in the first place. But please don't make personality judgements about me.
elsapelle said:
Btw is the basis of her worry just because she does not want you have sex, or is there an entirely different reason eg. doesnt like your bf (even though youve been going out so long!], is scared of 'losing you' etc... because if theres another problem, maybe you could sort things out through that!
I think its sex. But you could be right too.... hmmm...thanks!
Anonymou5 said:
After all, what are the consequences if she straight out tells her parents who she is going with her if they ask?
That they won't let me go. I'll have to pull a James Bond, espionage, jump into the car with parents screaming out to me kind of deal to go. Who wants that? I sure as hell don't. It'll wake the neighbours for starters.
kami said:
Perhaps its more mature of her to consider her choices and how they will affect her and her family rather than initiate a confrontation without regard to time and place that possibly will result in nothing except upset for all.
Well yeah, thats why I'm asking the questin. Thanks Evan
Minai said:
What I really wanted to say has been said by others, but I'll say - susan, what are the ramifications if you told them during the trip? Would they ask you who's going like on the day you leave? If so, tell them then, they can't stop you as you are leaving!
Well yeah, thats what I was thinking of. Kinda " Bye Mum! Bye Dad! Love you both! By the way Jason is coming along with us!" *slam car door and drive off*
But I don't think that would go down too well either. My mobile would ring non-stop for at least an hour to start with.

And they will be hell to pay when I get back, especially leaving them to stew for a week by themselves. At least if I told them in advance, I'd be able to weather the damage a bit.
Minai said:
Or - tell them you HAVE had sex before (perhaps not so directly, but imply it), what possible reason could they have then? You've lost your virginity, and it can't be recovered, so there's no reason that you can't go with your boyfriend.
Wow, that would be even worse. I see your point, and it makes really good logic, but you too should know that Asian parents =/= logic.
jellybeenz said:
I sympathise, I really do, my parents are a lot more restrictive than a lot of other peoples parents, but they have eased up a lot this year and surprised the hell out of me by allowing me to go on a holiday in the break with my uni friends who they have never met (and are mostly boys) without any argument- considering the arguments over schoolies and whether they would let me go to formal, this is a 360 turnaround.
Yeah I understand too, them letting me go is a HUGE turnaround cos like yours they didn't let me go to schoolies either.
Mike Ockisard said:
, but you're a young woman now, not a young know, one day you'll get married and shit. you're already turning 20, at what point do you say enough's enough.........time for your parents to let go a bit
I know that, believe me, I know!! But you are right, they do have to let go...and they have a lot already. But its just that little bit extra...
Thanks again to all those who have provided their opinion, I really appreciate it so much!! <3 to all