it think you hit the nail o nthe somewhat coroded head right there.
Chivilary has gone somewhat out the window, women nolonger want to be treated different just because they have a vagina, but it is important to treat them different to men as there are a few important differences, like they arent as physically strong so often i offer to carry her shit etc.
over time, or atleast for me Chivilary has been replaced with being polite, which means if i go through the door first, ihold it open for her to step through next, this has nothing to do with the girl being female, its about manners.
When ever i do omething that could be interpreted as chivilary it isnt really , i would probably do it for anyone else and its just common courtesy.
That said, gender equality and chivilary are 2 different things, if a girl wanted me to treat her all special i wouldnt do it because she was a lady, i would do it because she was afriend, or because she was my g/f and i loved her plain and simple, nothing to do with her gender at all but her relationship with me. I mostly dont do these things unless i think of it at the time, or i am at a formal social event cause when it comes down to it, no1 does it for me so to be equal i should just let the bitch open her own door, instead of implying that because she is female, she is inadequate to open the door