YBK said:
what's the point of taking someone from the same school. They're gonna be there anyway... :S
well, in our schools case - it means you dont have to fork out $120 for your dates ticket hahahaha. our tickets are paid for in our fees
this is my dilema, do i just take a friend from school? i dont like that idea, because even though im good mates with a fair few girls in my year, i dont really party with them, and thats what im considering my formal to be.
since its a formal too, id rather spend it with someone spesh, so if i had a woman by then id take her as opposed to a friend from school.
another dilema i have is one of my best female friends - she took me to her year 11 formal this year (we won king and queen award too haha) and i dont know if she expects a return invite. iv already been to a formal with her, so i dont see the point in another one, particularly if theyr only a few months apart.
fuck, you can see this kinda thing destroys my head... and its the reason i didnt take anyone to my yr10 formal. though i kinda regret it.
iv got too many options and dont like it. help me out here kiddies. heres a narrowed down field
option A: take the good friend whos formal i already went to
option B: take one of about 3 or 4 good chick mates from outta school
option C: take a good friend from outta school who id end up hooking up with
option D: take a friend from in school
option E: ask the girl whom i have my eye on atm
option F: go solo
and if you can be arsed, can you give us a few reasons as to which option youre gonna tell me to take? cheers
hmm maybe this shoulda been a new thread... so sue me