Nope. Rudd is calm, and boring. Doesn't insult much and sticks to the answer most of the time.
Nothing like Keating.
Yes Rudd is calm and he isn't rude. The differences end about there.

lines i've heard him mutter at the dispatch box)
To Turnbull:
"The member for goldman sachs, the leader of the opposition"
"He could, infact he probably has hired every environmental advisor in Australia and still take his cues from Heifer"
"The leader of the opposition and the shadow treasurer attempting to explain their position to the liberal partyroom could best be described as the lost leading the blind"
"Don't worry Malcolm you'll get to throw your two cents in, (Albo:Two cents?) well I doubt he'd be willing to part with any more than that"
"It would far more useful for the parliament to hear the member for O'conners views on the matter as he is far more likely to lead the liberal party to the next election than the member for Wentworth"
On Julie Bishop:
"I thank the minister for finance and deregulation for his question, well I'm pretty sure he wrote originally Mr speaker"
"I'd began to wonder if the deputy leader of the opposition was still allowed to speak during question"
"Jules the grown ups are speaking"
On Costello:
"Captain courageous over there, the would be prime minister without any intestinal fortitude whatsoever. Mr I would like to be prime minister but whoops I'll sit back and let it pass me by again"
"He has lived all his life to challenge labor party politics but will forever be too much of a coward to take on the leadership of his party where he might be able to do something about it"