Make sure with your speech that you're not just reading out an essay. Speeches are about interacting with the audience, drawing a sense of empathy, using devices to satirise your subject or make you audience feel more connected with you and the topic.
Use sophisticated language but don't be formal. Don't treat the audience as if they're in year 2 or something. I've heard speeches where people 'dumb down' the content and patronise the audience. Don't do this. Use language that includes the audience like rhetorical questions or anecdotes or hand gestures to pinpoint certain audience members.
Your speech should be engaging. Even if you are speaking about something totally boring make it sound amazing by your tone of voice, speed at which you speak and expression. To make what you're speaking about dynamic include positive and negative themes that you can portray your breadth of expression. Slow down and speed up at different occasions, use a low voice in solemn moods and a higher, faster register in occasions when your explaining something more exciting.
Try and make connections to today or the times that these texts were written; chuck in some statistics and facts that directly relate to your topic (that is if you're doing intertextual context studies - which Mod A usually is (am I right?)).
A good speech will have a balance between fact and performance. Fact: quotes, stats, facts, relevant analysis and information; performance: textual devices, tonal qualities, engagement, empathy, humour, pathos... the list goes on.
And if you're speaking to a class, just remember that you can't let silly nerves bring down your performance. Easier said than done, I know. But just relax and enjoy it
Use palm cards instead of sheets of paper and practice, practice, practice. Time yourself beforehand and mark on the palm cards (or mentally take note of) when you have thirty seconds until the time is up to make sure that your speech doesn't go over or too far under.
Public speaking is an essential life skill so make the most of this experience
- m.s.