Hates the waiting game...
Omg I missed this as I didnt staythejosiekiller said:i liked it- being an xmen fan
i thought it was funny they left everyone leaving the cinema without knowing the proffessor ends up living- for those who left the cinmea early after all the credits roled, they have a scene with the other doctor the xmen are friends with shows xavier has come back to life some how...so sucked in to anyone who missed that scene
couldnt believe they let the crowd think prof x died!
otherwise glad to know the cure is not permanent- cant make megneto powerless
i thought vinne jones as jugernaut sucked to be honest
and why the hell was that guy from fraser a mutant
still a guilty pleasure for all marvel fans
and stan lee was in it too cause hes a slut
Otherwise I thought it was heaps good. Enjoyed it alot
They left it open for Xmen 4...