There is the political reason of censorship (as described above) and also that raw marks are basically meaningless to us in terms of mapping out abilities because they vary according to the difficulty of an exam. Aligning is done to ensure standards are comparable between years. In other words an aligned mark of 90 in one course last year should be equivalent to an aligned mark of 90 in the same course this year. However the raw mark for that same standardised mark last year may have been say 75 and this year it may have been 80 due to differences in difficulty. Therefore aligned marks roughly eliminate the differences in difficulty in exams. Raw marks would be not be an accurate indicator of achievement and ability.
Also, I guess they do not reveal raw marks also because they do not want you to deduce correlations between raw marks and scaled marks where outrageous conclusions and theories arise thus influencing the choices of future students. If raw marks were revealed then interpolation can be done, using Table A3 released by the UAC annually, to deduce the extent of how much a mark was scaled for each course. Hence, theories would arise such as one should not take a particular course because a raw mark of X in this course becomes scaled down to an unspeakably low mark so then you would end up with students being influenced to take courses they are not suited to just because they are "scaled up".