Considering that you want to do Medicine, you are going to need a high ATAR (i.e. 99+), which means that you will need subjects which can facillitate that. Personally, I'm of the view that doing subjects you like and enjoy will give you the best chance - looking at your choices, you should be able to get 99. However, your subjects arent really the best scalers, meaning that you will have to do extremely well in them.
From my own research and speaking to Med students, HSC sciences arent really needed, but you need 2U maths. It seems logical that you would do sciences and higher maths for Medicine, but the lack of crossover makes it redundant. I always agree with drongoski in theory on this topic, but in practice, uni courses and HSC courses have little crossover.
From my own research and speaking to Med students, HSC sciences arent really needed, but you need 2U maths. It seems logical that you would do sciences and higher maths for Medicine, but the lack of crossover makes it redundant. I always agree with drongoski in theory on this topic, but in practice, uni courses and HSC courses have little crossover.