Year 11 Subject Selection Please Review!!!! (1 Viewer)


将来: NEET
Sep 6, 2014
You can't pick up Japanese extension in Year 11 and I am not sure if you can accelerate 4unit or not...

In my bias opinion, only Japanese continues is worth doing IF you just want to learn the language and communicate yourself in everyday speech (ie saying hi to the guy who moved next door). The work load becomes wtf in year 11 and 12 but it is worth it in the end cause you can actually engage in nice conversation with people in japanese.

If you are more of a logic orientated (4unit maths, physics and chem) person, then i would NOT RECOMMEND EXT 1 JAPANESE . First, it barely has any useful volcab and only 2 new grammar points only (causative (make someone do something) and passive (not used very often)). Extension is more of a course the needs you to present a point and expand on it. In many ways it is like English.

Lets take a look at the section of the test

section one of the test is infact English paper 1 section 1 because you need to analysis a film (okuribito 'departures') and bullshit your way through how camera technique relate to blah blah themes of connectedness and coping with change. Basically shit you do in English that would compel you to impale your head in a stake (the film is pretty cool though which makes it worse as you have to deconstruct and ruin such a nice film)

Section 1 part 2 of the test is a fan fiction. Yes you read that right. Writing a fucking doujinshi... Who ever made the syllabus was dropped as a kid. In this section you would need to take on the voice of a character in movie and write a letter/reflect upon an event that happened in the movie

Now we get to the best bit, section 2 of the test involves writing an essay about issues such as coping with change and traditions and blah blah, in this essay you would need to present your '''informed''' understanding of these issues and how they effect society and yada yada yada. But you do this all in Japanese.... Yeah, it sounds hard but not as bad as you think, i actually quite enjoy this section.

Speaking (oral monologue) this exam you write out a script of your speech regarding a question and present it to teacher for 3min. The catch is you only get 5min to write script. I did my monologue this year and had to bullshit a significant amount of the 3min (this year's question: the more friend you have. the better better it is/ change is good)

As an EX-student of japanese extension I think only section 2 and oral exam of the entire course is reasonable, the rest of the test is essentially sentimental bullshit with the disguise of 'Learning Japanese'. However I would to emphasis the fact that Japanese continuers is one of the most 'fun' course you would ever do if you enjoy japanese.

This is the end of my rant
real question is did the marker fap to your doujinshi? plz tell me you at least included something along the lines of 先輩、私に気付いて,it ain't a real doujinshi with that line.
can confirm jap cont is a pree sweet course
on a more srs note, glad i didn't pick up ext jap. it was gonna be english all over again.
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Metallic Oxide
Jun 16, 2015
real question is did the marker fap to your doujinshi?

He rated 11faps/10fap... WOULD FAP AGAIN

plz tell me you at least included something along the lines of 先輩、私に気付いて,it ain't a real doujinshi with that line.
can confirm jap cont is a pree sweet course
on a more srs note, glad i didn't pick up ext jap. it was gonna be english all over again.
Yeah I totally put the lines '先輩、私の事に気づいて欲しい。’ and ’お兄ちゃんだめ’


Metallic Oxide
Jun 16, 2015
I would love my internal examinations/assessments to be like 80% (I'm getting around 65% ~ 75% for Year 11) and my external...sigh, of course a band 6 would be amazing...I'm not really sure what is "good" in the Physics HSC external exam.

BUT for HSC mark, an 80 would be awesome :D
Maybe it is just me, but i find Year 11 physics harder than Year 12 physics. Then again I didn't read the textbooks and crammed(2 days b4 yearlies) for phys in year 11


Nov 18, 2014
Maybe it is just me, but i find Year 11 physics harder than Year 12 physics. Then again I didn't read the textbooks and crammed(2 days b4 yearlies) for phys in year 11
Year 11 Physics was a battlefield for me @____@ I just hope I improved and learnt for Year 12!


Metallic Oxide
Jun 16, 2015
Year 11 Physics was a battlefield for me @____@ I just hope I improved and learnt for Year 12!
Year 11 physics is more maths intensive believe it or not esp w/ the chapter 'moving about'

Year 12 physics's maths is only a fragment of Year 11's Maths (only mathematical about it is projectile motion which is ezy if you do 3u) it relies on more conceptual understanding and has more arty(environmental ramification and social impacts) historical stuff. Moreover, the course is designed so that a person who has no pior knowledge in physics can get 100% if they studied and understood idea behind concepts or 80-85% if they just memorized everything.


Active Member
Sep 13, 2015
Year 11 physics is more maths intensive believe it or not esp w/ the chapter 'moving about'

Year 12 physics's maths is only a fragment of Year 11's Maths (only mathematical about it is projectile motion which is ezy if you do 3u) it relies on more conceptual understanding and has more arty(environmental ramification and social impacts) historical stuff. Moreover, the course is designed so that a person who has no pior knowledge in physics can get 100% if they studied and understood idea behind concepts or 80-85% if they just memorized everything.
I hope you don't mind me asking but,
Is it hard to actually UNDERSTAND the concepts? and What would you say is the hardest part of physics?


将来: NEET
Sep 6, 2014
He rated 11faps/10fap... WOULD FAP AGAIN

Yeah I totally put the lines '先輩、私の事に気づいて欲しい。’ and ’お兄ちゃんだめ’
“おーおーお兄ちゃん。。。あそこ。。。にーにーに触らないでーで。。。きゃあああああ。。。お兄ちゃんだめえええええええ (残響)”
would've state ranked ext jap with my doujinshi


Active Member
Mar 10, 2014
My HSC subjects are Advanced English, MX1, MX2, Chemistry, Physics and Economics (i.e. 12 units in total).

Extension 2 Mathematics is great. It's fun. It's eye opening (the first topic essentially teaches you that you know pretty much nothing about mathematics). And it's my favourite subject. It's challenging and of course will require a high amount of work from you (MX2 can take up 30% - 60% of a person's time and effort), but I feel that people tend to exaggerate both the difficulty and workload of MX2. MX2 is perhaps the most fast-paced and dense course offered by the HSC. I personally found it enjoyable and it didn't seem to get in the way of my other 10 units. In my sense of fun, Extension 2 maths is as fun as you can get; there is very little to no rote learning, you have to improvise and think creatively, critically and logically, and the last questions of exams can get extremely difficult, but you are always fully engaged with them. It's a break from the significant amount of rote learning in most other subjects. My HSC is in less than 2 weeks, and I'm only putting in 12 hours of work into MX2 a week (which is about 20-25% of my study time each week). You won't regret doing Extension 2 Mathematics. Fascinating, challenging, highly rewarding and truly will provide you an appreciation for both the power and beauty of mathematics.

I've always been someone who isn't particularly keen on English, and typically scored about 70% in exams throughout my junior years. Up until this year, my HSC year, where I suddenly finished with an internal raw result of 90%. English is often a love it or hate it subject. My god, I love all of my HSC prescribed text: King Richard III and Looking for Richard, the poetry of T.S. Eliot (WOW), and The Art of Travel (a highly engaging non-fiction book, which one may find from time to time exclaiming to oneself the brilliance of the language). The only text I loathed is my discovery text, Wrack, which was a wrack. While I enjoyed the content of English, I didn't quite enjoy the assessments. The essays require a very specific type of writing style which you really need to be skilled at in order to excel in English, and the creative piece feels too artificial and contrived to feel much pride as a composition of one's own. The key to doing well in English is in reading and understanding the syllabus and what it demands of you, which the vast majority of students across the state ignore. I personally enjoy essay writing, but the amount of preparation a lot of students do for English is among the main reasons why they don't enjoy the subject. (Also, I liked to add that I personally enjoyed and performed better in HSC English far more than Preliminary English.)

I had high expectations for Physics when I chose it back in Year 10 (wow... that's two years ago). Some aspects of the expectations are met, but others, I was a bit disappointed by. The mathematics within Physics are mostly computational, and you are taught to use the formulae provided, rather than understanding them (and hence at times, you'll just be playing around meaninglessly with formulae until you reach the answer). One of the biggest flaws in the Physics course is the rote learning aspect of it; there is a significant historical aspect of physics which unfortunately involves quite a bit of rote learning, which only worsens in the HSC. In terms of the overall difficulty and workload of the subject, well... I had a very lenient Physics teacher who never sets any homework and actually assigns certain lessons to do calculation practices, hence I didn't do much apart from regularly keeping up with my own revision notes, and the past papers prior to exams. I feel that doing academically well in the subject isn't difficult, but at times, the content can be challenging to understand (to the point where many students simply accept the theory, and rote learn responses, and teachers often fail at explaining the content and recommend you to prepare responses and keywords). However, Physics is a very intriguing subject. The preliminary course was decent, and similar to how MX2 teaches that you know nothing about mathematics, HSC Physics teaches that you know nothing about the world. (e.g. relativity, the particle theory of light, the idea of quantisation). Physics can be a very mind-blowing subject at times, which defines my appreciation for it

Chemistry is one of the more practical science subjects. While Physics focuses more on the theory, Chemistry tends to converge on the practical aspects of atomic knowledge. It's quite a popular subject, and among the favourite of a lot of my peers. While Chemistry has less rote learning in exam responses than Physics, there's a far greater aspect of specificity and memorisation (e.g. solubility rules, testing for ions and compounds, the formulae of certain compounds, steps of experiments, exceptions, et cetera). Chemistry can be a very fascinating subject despite its convergence upon practicality; e.g. the idea that when you dissolve sugar in water, it reaches an equilibrium where the sugar is simultaneously precipitating out of the solution while dissolving into it at the same rate. Regarding workload, I personally find that the workload for Chemistry is somewhat more than that of Physics, and my revision notes for HSC Chemistry succeeded my HSC Physics notes in length. Overall, I think that the sciences aren't that difficult in terms of workload, and I think you should cope it with perfectly fine, especially if you have a fascination or appreciation of the sciences, then it honestly doesn't feel like work.

Since I didn't do Japanese, I can't comment much on it. However, a good friend of mine does Continuers and Extension. For my friend at least, it seems like that there is quite a significant workload for Japanese; during lessons I have with him, including MX2 lessons, he would spontaneously take out his personal notepad for Japanese and start memorising phrases and whatnot. He actually has an app on his phone which he uses to test each individual word. From what I've seen, at school at least, he seems spend just as much time (or more) on Japanese than MX2 (and he also does Standard English and Chemistry, which the latter being his absolute favourite). With any language subject, Japanese is perhaps centralised upon rote learning. He seems to enjoy Japanese, but the language subjects are hardwork.

From the people who do English Extension 1, they say that it's more enjoyable than Advanced English and more individualistic. However the topics are a love-or-hate. The impressions from people who do Legal Studies say that it has a fairly significant but manageable workload. My friends who do Modern History don't talk about it, so in a way, that's saying something.

Now scaling:

-MX2 scales insanely high: bottom 25% of the state (e.g. a raw mark of about 45/100) receives an ATAR equivalence of 98.

- Advanced English, contrary to what a lot of people believe, scales quite well, especially since it's not a particularly easy subject, and hence not very difficult to get ahead of the cluster of students across the state. A raw mark of about the 85 (top 10%) is enough for a Band 6, and an ATAR equivalence of 97. (It may not look as great because it's juxtaposed against the ridiculous scaling of MX2, but it's better than a lot of the social sciences.)

- Chemistry is the highest scaling science subjects. A mid 70s raw mark (top 10%) is enough to get you a Band 6 and an ATAR equivalence of 98. The interesting thing with Chemistry is that it scales high despite low marks: getting a raw mark of 58%~, which is top 32% of the state, is enough to get an an ATAR equivalence of 90.

- Physics scales pretty good also; a mid-lower 80s raw mark is enough for a Band 6 and an ATAR equivalence of 98.

- For Japanese Continuers, you need approximately a raw mark in the mid-80s for a Band 6 and an ATAR equivalence of 95.

- Japanese Extension scales significantly higher than Japanese Continuers, but I don't have enough statistics to give you a Band 6 raw mark approximation, but you can probably assume it's lower than Japanese Continuers (high 70s perhaps).

Enjoy your Preliminaries and HSC!
the raw marks you're referring to it the external raw mark or the internal?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
I would love my internal examinations/assessments to be like 80% (I'm getting around 65% ~ 75% for Year 11) and my external...sigh, of course a band 6 would be amazing...I'm not really sure what is "good" in the Physics HSC external exam.

BUT for HSC mark, an 80 would be awesome :D
Honestly, a student's Year 11 performance has zero impact on their HSC result (apart from determining Extension 2 placements, of course). In fact, I would go as far as to say that a student's internal performance throughout the HSC year doesn't have very much impact; despite what people say, about the HSC internals and externals are 50/50 in determining your ATAR, realistically it's probably around 30/70, towards the external result.

You're doing fine actually. I got 70% for Advanced English preliminaries yearly, and I finished my HSC with 89% across the year. If you actually do get 75% for most of the subjects you're doing, you'd do well anyway. But in short, many, many students significantly improve in their HSC year, so if you're getting 70-75% already, you are well within range to get even higher in your HSC year (which starts tomorrow actually!).

Good luck! (And have fun while you're at it.)


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
the raw marks you're referring to it the external raw mark or the internal?
External raw marks. Internal raw marks mean very little, apart to map out the spread of performance across your cohort so the actually aligned internal marks (which are based upon external marks anyway) can be distributed fairly.

However, generally a person's trial marks are a good representation of what they get in the HSC (assuming exams weren't written ridiculously easy or hard), so by making that assumption, you can fairly accurately estimate your HSC results (given a fair margin or error).
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Metallic Oxide
Jun 16, 2015
I hope you don't mind me asking but,
Is it hard to actually UNDERSTAND the concepts? and What would you say is the hardest part of physics?
It is not extremely difficult to understand concepts if you have decent teacher and read the textbook. But the most troll part of physics is possibly the fact that they give you curveballs questions(situations where you haven't met before) and expect you to draw upon knowledge learnt in the course


Metallic Oxide
Jun 16, 2015
“おーおーお兄ちゃん。。。あそこ。。。にーにーに触らないでーで。。。きゃあああああ。。。お兄ちゃんだめえええええええ (残響)”
would've state ranked ext jap with my doujinshi
Board of studies just called me saying they wanted to rate this 100/100. The knowledge displayed is beyond the syllabus so they decided to give you a band 7.


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
I'm in Year Nine but I was thinking about doing Economics in Year 11 and 12. Can anyone tell me how much maths there is in it?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
I'm in Year Nine but I was thinking about doing Economics in Year 11 and 12. Can anyone tell me how much maths there is in it?
Very little to none. Can you add numbers together? Can you subtract? At times, can you multiply and divide? If so, then you're set mathematically (not really mathematics; it's simple computational stuff that primary school kids can do).

HSC economics is more to do with essay writing and short written responses (explain/how).

If you are open to the prospect of doing economics at University, then do at least 2 unit maths.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2015
Very little to none. Can you add numbers together? Can you subtract? At times, can you multiply and divide? If so, then you're set mathematically (not really mathematics; it's simple computational stuff that primary school kids can do).

HSC economics is more to do with essay writing and short written responses (explain/how).

If you are open to the prospect of doing economics at University, then do at least 2 unit maths.
What even is 2 unit maths anyway?


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2013
What even is 2 unit maths anyway?
2 unit maths is the most popular maths course offered by the HSC. The courses lower than 2 unit maths are general maths, and the courses higher than two unit maths are Extension 1 and Extension 2 maths. In terms of difficulty and content, 2 unit maths is pretty standard. It's far from the difficulty of Extension 1, and very, very far from the difficulty of Extension 2. General maths focuses on practical maths, and hence is fairly easy to understand and do, thus easier than 2 unit maths.

2 unit maths is pretty much the benchmark for university courses. Undergraduate sciences and commerce/economics/finance/psychology courses assume that you know 2 unit maths (at USYD, maths electives are compulsory for the science). Engineering undergraduate courses assume that you've learnt the Extension 1 maths course.

The main reason why 2 unit is so essential is because it includes introduction to calculus, which is a massive topic based upon the study of change (differential) and summation (integral). Fun stuff. From your HSC year though, they are removing the geometry aspect of the 2 unit and higher courses and replacing them with statistics, which makes 2 unit even more important for university.


Active Member
Oct 12, 2014
And a note, general maths is counted as 2 units, not one unit, so don't fall into that trap


Active Member
Apr 27, 2015
Hey guys!

I'm selling quite a few books/past papers/notes for Maths (2U and 3U), Chem and English (Adv and 3U).

Sorry for such a long email - if you'd like anything, give me a email on Good luck for Year 12!
You already made two threads about the same thing and now your posting it here and on other threads which have no relevance to what your posting?

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