Y. Make up a related- not to hard. Bonus points if you give it a funny author like Wayne Rooney or something (people did that last year). An even better one- for the EX1 creative, people played what we called the Oedipus game. Basically, your total points is calculated by multiplying your mark out of 25 by the amount of times you write Oedipus in your creative. I think one guy hit over 100 but there were like 15 creatives where the main character was Oedipus- I want to know what the markers thought when they read it
Yeah What now!!! Nah I won't get dux lol- there's one guy that's beating me in every sub (except phys where we tied

) so he'll get it probs. But hey, if I end up with dux, I'll think of something sexy to say
What about you?