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Why are admins always so emotionless? 😭 i must take on the job and discover y...must be the impending doom of educational law
do you actually like kpop?
Hey there would you mind if i asked how you plan and schedule your times for studying? atm I'm miserably losing sleep and gaining sleep on and off as my times are all over the place lol, and I'm starting to stress out as time is getting tight. Clearly u must have strict timings since u got marks i'd dream of 😤 would u mind sharing a bit of how u do it?Thank you, and congratulations again🙂
unfortunately, the only study I get in is maths and when I do assessments lollll. I basically save all my effort for assessments, which I really need to fix, I suffer from all the same things as you. i find it really hard to actually study because my body never likes to cooperate with what my brain is begging it to do lol. if you find out how to fix it, please tell me🙏
god thats the same as me, seriously I get worried that all my study time is just soely based on assessments and it kills me lol.😭 What I tend to do tho, is I study from 4-530 after school hours, and then 8-9 after dinner if not doom scrolling on this website 😜 I think that does help. Have u tried quizzlet flashcards I lit can't live off them cos they are that helpful
youre doing better than me lol, but ya, doom scrolling is the worssstttt who invented that fr. i have tried them but i lost motivation to keep doing them hehe. maybe i’ll start doing them again who knows. good luck!
finally got my report for semester one!! straight A’s :oldrolleyes:
english advanced: 1/7
maths standard 2: 1/26 (a bunch of people have dropped since then)
visual arts: 1/8
legal studies 2/8
investigating science: 6/13 (i promise imma improve that this term)
Wordle 1,092 6/6

Has anyone ever told you how handsome u are shreky? I think I'm in love with those beautiful teeth. Will you marry me?😘😘