Today's progress:
- MX2 tutoring homework done!

Good practice ^_^
- HSC questions on policy + legislation for FT
- studied English Advanced stuff for upcoming assessment during the entirety of the day -.- still worried I will not remember anything for the assessment on Monday *cue nervous nailbiting*
"to liberty not banishment"
"life exempt from public haunt / find tongues lessons in books, trees, running brooks / find sermon in stones and good in everything" (lol forgot that halfway fack dis)
"cleanse thy foul body of th-infected world"
"since my conversion / so sweetly tastes, the being I am"
"down on your knees"
"foul is most foul, being foul to be a scoffer"
"she is banished"
"you die"
"and in my heart / lie there what hidden woman's fear there will"
"envious court" "painted pomp" "public haunt"
my favourite is "you die" lol