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Restore the right to offend (1 Viewer)

Should section 18c of the racial discrimination act be changed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 9 69.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 30.8%

  • Total voters


Taking a Piss
Aug 2, 2012
If a chick decided to wear revealing clothes in public or someone decided to publicly insult Buddhism in China you can be sure as hell there will be social backlash.

The fact that you can be subjected to both social backlash and government censorship in China whereas in the West it is really just social backlash hardly suggests that China has more 'freedom of speech'.
At least you know what will happen in China if you do that, but however for Australia its seem to be one way (eg muslims can protest saying "behead those who insult islam" or whatever, the Australian government/many aussies don't give a rat ass about them, but if an Australian held a sign saying "behead those who worship islam" there will be far bigger social backclash and arrest.

If Australia were to be considered fair, they should arrest people who held up "behead those who insult islam" or whatever. If i knew that one of workers was holding a sign like that, they would be fired right away.... but however i would be sued for discrimation because i fired someone for death threats....

Australia seemed to be pretty screwed up with vocal minorities getting what they want...... we need to shut that down..... democracy should be one where the majority of people always win and get their wants, and the vocal minorities should obey the majority, or they get shut down

one in five Australians believes a woman is partly responsible when she is raped while drunk

Australia has a sexual assault rate pretty much twice the global average, these statistics are evidence of a far greater problem in Australian society when it comes to sexual assault and it is disingenuous to suggest it's all because of one group when it by no means isl
That should be a true point..... sure you can get pissed and walk home by yourself without getting raped or king hit or run over by a car, but however thats not the case, and that can't be 100% prevented

Even though i agree with your point, musilms who rape are far more explicit and use racial justification to do so.
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Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
gang rape is NOT an exclusively muslim practice lol r u this dumb
I said almost exclusively (can you not read r u dumb lol?) which is true.

One in five Australians believes a woman is partly responsible when she is raped while drunk
Yeah, mostly because said "rape" is not forceful and exists because 'you can't consent whilst drunk', which strangely never applies to drunk men for some reason.

Also, nice deflection. Muslims carry out lots of rapes but people believe X which makes it fine!

And if we want to talk about beliefs about rape, mulims have much worse beliefs: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/new...-for-sex-attacks/story-e6frg6nf-1111112419114

Australia has a sexual assault rate pretty much twice the global average, these statistics are evidence of a far greater problem in Australian society when it comes to sexual assault
Christ are you this dumb? it's entirely because of broader legal definitions of rape and much higher reporting of rape.

According to official statistics there is more rape in australia than the congo for crying out loud.

and it is disingenuous to suggest it's all because of one group when it by no means is
I didn't say it was, idiot. I'm saying per capita its way higher for muslims.

If some white dudes gang-raped a bunch of girls in lebanon, other white people in the country would be killed.

not to mention the rioting didn't end up targetting "racist thugs", anyone of middle eastern appearance on the street that this drunken bogan crowd came across was targetted.
Bad luck. They should have spoken out about the problem themselves if they didn't want to feel the consequences.

"drunken bogan crowd". Funny how slurs are alright if they're used against white people.

Denying Muslims here freedom of speech because some people in Egypt who these Muslims don't even necessarily support and aren't necessarily affiliated with made some stupid decisions is incredibly childish and silly lol
They don't even support freedom of speech for non-muslims in the west though.

They think drawings and shit in the west is "oppression" but never open their traps about the real oppression being carried out by muslims across the globe. Why are we supposed to care about their rights if they don't care about ours and are often actively opposed to them?

They should only get freedom of speech if they actually support it for everyone.
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Jun 8, 2012
I said almost exclusively (can you not read r u dumb lol?) which is true.

Yeah, mostly because said "rape" is not forceful and exists because 'you can't consent whilst drunk', which strangely never applies to drunk men for some reason.

Also, nice deflection. Muslims carry out lots of rapes but people believe X which makes it fine!

And if we want to talk about beliefs about rape, mulims have much worse beliefs: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/new...-for-sex-attacks/story-e6frg6nf-1111112419114

Christ are you this dumb? it's entirely because of broader legal definitions of rape and much higher reporting of rape.

According to official statistics there is more rape in australia than the congo for crying out loud.

I didn't say it was, idiot. I'm saying per capita its way higher for muslims.

If some white dudes gang-raped a bunch of girls in lebanon, other white people in the country would be killed.

Bad luck. They should have spoken out about the problem themselves if they didn't want to feel the consequences.

"drunken bogan crowd". Funny how slurs are alright if they're used against white people.

They don't even support freedom of speech for non-muslims in the west though.

They think drawings and shit in the west is "oppression" but never open their traps about the real oppression being carried out by muslims across the globe. Why are we supposed to care about their rights if they don't care about ours and are often actively opposed to them?

They should only get freedom of speech if they actually support it for everyone.
1. So u think having sex with a heavily intoxicated woman is not sexual assault. So ur a rape sympathiser
2. So u believe attacking ppl physically is justified if a few other ppl from their race commit crimes that had nothing to do with the people actually attacked. Funnily enough that is the same justification terrorists use, so thx for proving ur also a terrorist sympathiser
3. U believe freedom of speech to a group of ppl should be denied if a separate group of ppl purporting to be of the same religion thousands of miles distant to these ppl deny freedom of speech to ppl, essentially proving u hate freedom and just want to use it as a bargaining chip. So u hate freedom
4. U say rape is part of muslim belief, the Qur'an however explicitly forbids it
5. U claim gang rapes are almost exclusively a muslim issue without any evidence whatsoever
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Active Member
Jun 9, 2013
Back on topic re 18C and Charlie Hebdo, the cartoons would not have been subject to censorship under the act, because:

"Section 18C of the Act outlaws any public act that is reasonably likely to offend, insult, humiliate or intimidate another person or group, and which is done because of their race, colour or national or ethnic origin.

First point of confusion: religion doesn't get a mention.

Charlie Hebdo's depictions of the Prophet Mohammed could not be the subject of a complaint under 18C because any offence would derive from religious belief rather than race or ethnicity. That distinction may seem strange, once you contemplate what, if any, real content the terms "race", "colour", "ethnicity" and "national origin" actually possess."

The overlooked sleeper is section 18D of the Act, which provides a raft of exemptions to the strict effect of 18C. It's a bit wordy but the detail is important. 18C does not apply to any acts that are done reasonably and in good faith, and which are one of these: artistic works; statements made for any genuine academic, artistic or scientific purpose or other genuine purpose in the public interest; fair or accurate reports of matters of public interest; or fair comment (based on a genuinely held belief) on matters of public interest."

Source: http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-01-...oexist-in-australia/6018068?WT.mc_id=newsmail

Freedom of speech should not be some kind of absolute right that applies in all cases. Some level of respect has to come into what is said/written/published etc too, but from the above it is clear that 18C is not restrictive of things such as fair comment or accurate reporting, which in my view is a good thing - as it allows people to actually put forward their views, even if they might seem "offensive", without the Andrew Bolt style sledging that such discussions often descend into.


Well-Known Member
May 13, 2013
that is literally the reason i don't think the right to offend is anything to want in australia :haha:
Because you can't get it through your brain the concept of free speech.


May 1, 2011
Because you can't get it through your brain the concept of free speech.
no i understand the concept i've just never been in favor of it



ремове кебаб
Aug 8, 2012
Uni Grad
islam is incompatible with free speech
It actually is, freedom of speech is compatible with everything... It's just not compatible with your version of free speech... (Hence why the "right to free speech" is self defeating, and that we have never actually truly had the right to free speech)

Now in a world where there is "free speech," you would actually reserve the right not to be "offended" or any other emotion at the notions of Islam... You would simply sit, rightfully bicker and respect their right to preach their beliefs as your preach your beliefs... It's a two way street, a notion that no one seems to get...
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Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
It actually is, freedom of speech is compatible with everything... It's just not compatible with your version of free speech... (Hence why the "right to free speech" is self defeating, and that we have never actually truly had the right to free speech)

Now in a world where there is "free speech," you would actually reserve the right not to be "offended" or any other emotion at the notions of Islam... You would simply sit, rightfully bicker and respect their right to preach their beliefs as your preach your beliefs... It's a two way street, a notion that no one seems to get...

Exactly . If it is not compatible with our version of "freedom of speech", then the two cannot coexist.


Jul 29, 2009
A, A
Uni Grad
Having read the Koran, I can see why people dislike Islam.

Why should people be beheaded for "insulting" Allah?
Why do people need to follow Islam rituals and ways of life or be killed ?

Pretty much if anyone engages in apostasy (their blood can be shed) which constitutes:
- insulting
- not following Islam ritual
- believing other religions or "denying him"


Just Bee Yourself 🐝
Nov 26, 2008
It actually is, freedom of speech is compatible with everything... It's just not compatible with your version of free speech...
aka "free speech"

Now in a world where there is "free speech," you would actually reserve the right not to be "offended" or any other emotion at the notions of Islam...


ремове кебаб
Aug 8, 2012
Uni Grad
^ For the sake of the free speech of the other person you would have to reserve your right to be offended... In fact, I am of the view that "free speech" made us into this pussy footing society that exist today

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