Hey ya'll, So I'm currently doing advanced maths in year 11, starting Term 2 next week, and my plan is to study medicine hopefully. Last week my teacher gave students who he thought were incapable of advanced a test, including me. No one passed the exam, and I flunked it too, that's on me. The thing is I'm doing standard English, bio, chem, pdhpe and studies of religion, and my teacher as well as the head of math are pushing me to drop to standard as it is supposedly better for my ATAR. They think that the effort I'm putting into advanced is better off being distributed towards my other subjects, which I should focus on equally and try to get a high mark for all subjects, since medicine is not easy. Thing is as well, I'm a lazy student. I did well in beginning of high school, aced year 7 then slacked off through till year 9. Year 10 my maths began to improve again. Now my maths has gone down a little. And now I'm on the fence If I should go down or continue. Help??