He's doing a better job than almost anyone else in the US government would do, especially since most government workers don't WANT any kind of serious reform and would put up roadblocks the whole way through. Musk isn't perfect at this, but almost literally nobody would be doing better. And if you're unhappy with what he's doing - don't blame Trump or Musk, blame half a century of incompetence and corruption at all levels of the US government. You keep acting like conventional politicians are competent. They're simply not. If they were, none of this would be necessary.
I dont think you really understand government. Public Servants dont block reform, we cant. We can be "frank and fearless", but ultimately we do what the government says provided it is legal and actually possible. To me this whole narrative of "unelected bureaucrats" and "deep state" is nonsense. We dont have anywhere near the power to do that stuff, or the will. Most of us are working people with families, mortgages, bills etc who just get on with our jobs and go home.
Also Musks tactics arent anything new, it's just a basic slash and burn. His methodology for downsizing the Federal Government is very unprofessional, inefficient and not best practice. It's been done before and it always leads to higher costs because the better people leave or people with super niche skills are removed and the service can only fill that gap again quickly with much more expensive consultants. Seen it done many times. If you want to downsize, you need to do it in a considered manner following the right principals to ensure you are getting genuine long term savings.
America industrialized in the 19th century - that's when it became great. And it took place at a time of free domestic markets but highly restricted trade policy.
The US also grew tremendously in the 50s and 60s, but after that it suffered enormously and much of the potential it appeared to have in the 60s was never realized. It was still a great country for much of the time after this, but in relative terms, it got worse in most ways (with some exceptions).
This has nothing to do with what I'm talking about. The US was a powerhouse with unlimited potential in the 1960s. What has happened since that time is deeply, deeply disappointing. Entire regions of the country deindustrialized, major cities filled with violent criminals, drug addicts and homeless, stagnant technological progress outside of silicon valley, facilitated the rise of China to the detriment of most of its population, decades and decades of embroiling itself in costly, destructive and pointless wars, going from making great culture to producing capeshit movies and nicki minaj, went from landing on the moon to NASA not doing anything of note in 50 years, having a government that facilitates mass illegal immigration unlike anywhere else in the world, having a government and university system that thinks advancement should be based on race instead of merit, having a government that locked people in their houses for months of end while allowing far-left rioters to burn down your city, a country where children are taught that white people are "privileged oppressors" and that babies are racist, a country where all institutions have been ideologically captured.
First of all, saying 19th century USA is great or better than now is ludicrous. Life expectancy today is more than double, inequality is down significantly due to the decline of robber barons, unemployment is half what it was back then. You want me to continue? You think China's bad, I mean it is but then you argue that 19th century US is somehow better? Well, if I ever invent a time machine Ill send you back, see how long you last.
Also didnt you just diss every President from the 30s-60s? So much inconsistency.
So when the government imports millions of people and allows rich foreigners to buy up housing, making housing unaffordable and unavailable, the correct response is to blame myself? When the government is in cahoots with construction unions that enrich themselves with taxpayer money and delay vital infrastructure projects so they don't have to work so hard, that's a ME problem? When the government takes a quarter of my paycheck and wastes it on the most stupid shit imaginable, I need to take personal responsibility for it? Get bent.
Granted it's not perfect, but its still better than any other time in history. My grandfather always reminds us when we complain about life here how lucky we are and how shit it was when he was a kid in Italy and starting out in Australia. I mean, you sound so down with things - what are you doing to make your life better?
Also re infrastructure projects, again you reveal your right wing lens. Ive worked on a multi-billion dollar infrastructure project and unions are a pain, but they arent the biggest issue. I wont go too deep in because this is will become an essay (Ive bored an old BoSer with this before), but in short these are the major cost factors
Inadequate scoping: With government projects, they dont scope them correctly so the initial assumptions and cost-benefit analysis are usually off by a long way
Poor procurement practices: To many times the contracts are excessive or contain provisions which mean the government is stung as soon as there are variations (which happen due to poor scoping)
Consultancies: You think Unions or dole bludgers are bad, boy you havent seen a bill from a consultancy firm for their services. The unions wish they could scam as good as them. If only I could tell you the stories of graft that happens here. Some of them add value, but a lot of the services are ridiculous.