Um, dear secret crush,
I found out that you're cheating on me. I know we aren't going out, but 'person', it is wrong of you to already be in a relationship and be so attracted to me at the same time. It doesnt mane sense.
At the end of the day, u cant keep two people going at the same time. I...
How is this general discussion on the 2012 HSC? Wrong section m8.
But uhhh to answer your question, I think its wrong and disgusting. Did you watch the Dr Phil show today? Ugh, that polygamous relationship where there was one man, who was married to three women. Two of which were twins and the...
ADVO's but close enough lol.
Also @ OP, tell your parents. If I was you, I would really go and see a counselor. It may help. Also, as others have stated, you could PM me.
Hey person,
I don't know how to feel about you. This is just one big rollercoaster. Sometimes, I just want it to come to a stop, cos if it keeps on going, Im going to spew all over the place.
If you want backwards religion, i would advise you to go and watch some SBS documentaries about Jews and Christians. Would make a really big difference to your understanding of religion and what the word 'backwards' actually encompasses.
A lot of muslims dont agree with what happened on the day...
This. Also, just to let you Islamophobes know, Muhammad (PBUH) didn't touch her inappropriately when she was 9 years of age, you idiots. She lived with him and when she was old enough, he treated her as his wife. Prior to that, he was her guardian. Gosh.
And riproot your argument is stupid...
Youre just as bad as the protestors, talking about people being beheaded if they talk badly upon any religion. No one should be beheaded. No one should have been killed. Violence isnt the answer, it serves no purpose.
And don't worry about Lolsmith, he's been an Islamophobe ever since. He...