Recent content by annabackwards

  1. annabackwards

    Confused on what subjects to drop. 2012 HSC candidate.

    Pick whatever subjects you most enjoy - you'll probably do better overall in those subjects. Don't worry about scaling because all your subjects scale well :)
  2. annabackwards


    It will be :) There's no need to worry now, anyway. The exam is over - cram for other exams! Ahaha yeah, I sort of boycotted this site until it was all fixed up. It looks ok to use now, so you may see me around after my uni exams are over ^_^
  3. annabackwards


    Cut off will be much lower because the paper was really long, most people would have had no chance of finishing that paper.
  4. annabackwards

    Use the UAI calculators to work it out, because scaling varies from subject to subjects and from...

    Use the UAI calculators to work it out, because scaling varies from subject to subjects and from year to year.
  5. annabackwards

    What should i drop?

    Keep both, the difference in workload is negligible.
  6. annabackwards

    Independent Trials are harder than CSSA

    Re: Independent Trials are harder the CSSA Then for your trials only, state the method you actually used in class. But if you're unsure, ask your teacher. What on earth did you use instead of cyclohexane and cyclohexene then? oO
  7. annabackwards

    Independent Trials are harder than CSSA

    Re: Independent Trials are harder the CSSA +1 I doubt they'd put such a question in the trials though, especially since you haven't done the prac xD
  8. annabackwards

    How to achieve Band 6 in HSC ?

    Depends on the subject and the difficulty of the exam that year. It is best to aim as high as possible :)
  9. annabackwards

    Is this a good idea for HSC?

    You need to push up your marks for Engineering studies but the rest of the marks look good. Try and push EE1 up a bit more as well. However, it is the ranks that count right now. So what are your ranks?
  10. annabackwards

    Hehehe good luck :P I guess i'm super BOS too :)

    Hehehe good luck :P I guess i'm super BOS too :)
  11. annabackwards

    Line of best fit.

    In the HSC, the line of best fit is almost always a straight line. The data plotted on the axis is usually manipulated so that is the case. For example, in the pendulum practical, T^2 plotted on the graph, not T (period). It is the same in uni, the data is manipulated so that the line of best...
  12. annabackwards

    Scaling prelim subs

    What are your ranks and how many people in each course? Just do the subjects that you like, you are most likely to do better in them. There's no point doing 4u maths if you're going to get a band 1 for example.
  13. annabackwards

    Independent Trials are harder than CSSA

    Re: Independent Trials are harder the CSSA That is exactly what I am saying ==' In the HSC, they would tell you what Sodium Azide is :) No, there would be no problems. A lot of schools actually skip pracs, some don't do any at all ==' Grab some notes/a text book and write up a concise method...
  14. annabackwards

    Do you like it?

    I sure hope so, but mid semesters don't really mirror what you're going to get at the end xD And nice marks!
  15. annabackwards

    tutor groups

    Wow, that is so weird oO