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  • It's competitive regardless of whatever you do. Now you can do one of two things - put all your eggs in one basket, do Med Science and try to transfer or hope you get in when you graduate - or do any undergrad degree first and go into Medicine later so you see if you really like it before you try it, also will give you a backup if you end up not liking Medicine.
    Oh that's a very... general question. I like it. It's good, I mean - it's not much different from a normal B Science with a maths major, but there are upsides and downsides. Upside is that there is automatic Honours entry and SCIF - downside is minimum WAM requirements and the like... mandatory higher courses could also be a downside if you are just looking to cruise through
    just wonderin, would Kobskii be the managing director of TIPPS? (wuts his full name btw? I remember it was like Kobskii CD Ha or something like that)
    Cheers bro <3, i really appreciate it :)

    Wrote on my own wall. I'm an idiot sometimes (actually all the time)
    Can you please find out 2 things for me in your next lesson at tipps, (ask your teacher casually):
    No. Of Employees and When was TIPPS established (or you can ask how long Kobskii has taught at TIPPS)?
    So far,
    TIPPS is:
    - private company
    - small in terms of size
    - local business
    - quaternary
    is what I have.
    hey aysce, do u know how many employees (exact head count) are in TIPPS? R u certain there r less than 20 employees? I asked Kobskii for info about TIPPS but he said he can't disclose any of it (i.e. confidential) :( What did you say about establishment and growth yesterday?
    Awkward? Just don't make it contrived. I hate contrived conversation so much. It's so unnatural.

    But yes... effy and I have a special relationship that she and I both do not understand completely.
    Oh you'll fail a few times. But most of the time, you'll get some sort of conversation - whether it's good or not, really depends. And whether you can follow that up with anything good... again depends.

    And to the blonde? Uhh, when we went out to lunch I just talked about stuff with her. Can't really remember. random chit chat
    Oh you can do that, you'll just get friend zoned.

    But umm, 99.99% of the time - the girls won't come to you. You have to go to the girls. Shows confidence and... some other things that they apparently find attractive and endearing.
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