YES- I do the same thing with floors and ceilings as well. What I do is floor all my subjects and then look at that ATAR, and then move stuff around and watch it move up haha. And sometimes I just go nuts and put like the absolute best scenario (like 97 english, 99 eco, 100 3U, 98 4U etc. LOL)-> not even sure why I do that because its not going to happen but it's fun.
And obviously it depends on the paper but I'd like 90+. Tbh though, as long as I don't make sillies (or only like 1 or 2) I'll be happy. Like if the stuff I get wrong is because I legit can't do it- that's ok. If I come out though and I integrated sin2x wrong, I will punch someone.
And when you study maths you can full pump music and everything

I haven't even looked at the sciences for like 1.5 weeks now lol- after maths I'll have to go hard