u dnt hav to prove everything
u can say u r abducted by alienz
n u dnt need to prove it
but ppl who hav no lyf will say no ur lying, get the fk outta here, gimem evidence, or ill kill u.
no one cares if ur a theist or an atheist
it dsnt make a dfrnce watsoeva
im far more theist than before. and people are dumber than i imagined.
sounds betta.
make up a religion
n then come back to me once ur successful and have a few thousand people following u
come on
its not easy to "make up" a religion becoz it dsnt have facts
ok so this thread is about facts taht god exists.
if those who say he exists, thsoe who dnt believe ask for evidence
purely insanse.
science is not the answer to everything. logic is not the answer to everything. not everything has to be proven to be believed.
Excuse me? I'm not providing reasoning for my faith. im saying it doesnt need reasoning.
plus, wtf? BOS is about academic stuff
not religion
so why should i get the fk out of here?
thats wat ive been saying
religion does not need justificaiton
for it does not force itsefl on people
peopel choose to follow it
so dnt ask for logical explanations, science, evidence, etc for religion.
becoz if everythign in a religion could be proven, it would be a fact. hence not a...
u shldnt use that tone, when u dnt believe in the existence of God.
whether ur being sarcastic is not the point here, but even for an argument such as urs, dnt even mention God as it makes ur entire argumetn pathetic.
no, offcourse not.
it dsnt exclude anyone
its just that ppl exclude themselves from it
and it dsnt force itself on anyone, those who beleive in it choose to do so
Firstly, no your gettign it wrong. these ppl arent trying to prove the faiths of otehrs wrong. they beleive ni what they want to beleive and they choose to beleive in it.
logic, evidence, proof, schience - thats all u gusy wants
we dnt want to prove that our God exists. its our choice to...
santa clause
i wont reveal my religion to you, because then you will start attackin my religion, and if it has a holy text, you will attack that too.
i dont want to hear any of it.
so as far as this thread is concerned , i am a religious believer in God.
similarly, may i ask you...