It will be indicated on your results. It should also be noted that you don't get it IF you would get a better result without it.
They calculate your results both with the exam mark and without the exam mark and the one that gives you the best result is the one they give you which is why you may...
It depends on how many lines a school runs. In Year 11 we run 7 lines and one line includes Ext 1 Eng and Ext 1 Maths. There will be other subjects on the line as well - often the second line for other subjects e.g. a PDHPE and a Biology class. This means that in Year 11 everyone is accommodated...
Schools are required to send grades to BOSTES in both Year 10 and Year 11 to form a record of school achievement for students leaving school without an HSC. If you are going to get an HSC then they aren't that important but ... some schools use the ROSA grades as a minimum to enter some courses...
Any ranking of your school you have seen is based on past performance and will not affect your results. After your cohort does the HSC new rankings will be calculated by various news outlets (not by BOSTES at all) based on your cohort's results.
The only reason students look at results is to...
I have had a student drop a subject officially on the Monday when the HSC exam was on the Thursday.
She still had 10 units, had done most of the exams, had one on Thursday and one on Friday so decided to not bother with the one on Thursday and went through the process to drop it.
My point is...
You can put it in as long as there is a 'document' to support that course.
These days most courses give certificates of participation or otherwise - often listing the nationally recognised skills etc that the course covered. These are worthwhile putting on a CV as you don't necessarily know...
To meet the requirements of the Preliminary course and thus to be eligible for the HSC you have to complete a minimum of 12 units in Year 11. When your school determines that you have completed that course is almost up to them - for my school it is at the end of Week 2 Term 4 (due to needing to...
If it doesn't have the required detail or isn't using the correct language for the subject then it won't get the marks as that is part of the requirements of the question.
If I ask a student to 'explain' and they write everything in point form they won't get more than half the marks as they...
Make sure it is legible.
If the marker can't read it then they can't mark it - quite simple really. Markers will make every effort to read the work but if it can't be read it can't get marks.
I have heard a number of furphies that say that if it is illegible then they will get you to go to the...
Running that extra class though would put a strain on the rest of the staffing of the school which must cover the minimum hours of junior classes. That extra Maths class in Year 11 for instance may not be possible within the teaching load for the school and schools are staffed on number of...
Timetabling issues isn't only about fitting periods into the set school day but also includes the number of periods a teacher teachers regardless of when those lessons are held. Teachers have a set number of periods they teach. Teaching 3 - 4 hours off-line for one or two students means that...