Hehe, we'll know if i beat her or not after the hols XD
Ooo, you better study up on hamlet then
The end is near? Hurrah
Aha, true. But i guess we can have trials on most of the course instead

Yeha, it was an awesome day! I hope your athletics carnival is as awesome as mine was
I'll be cramming like hell ASAP too *sighs
Oh i see, so it's like an upgraded version of vista! Nope, we don't have cool different colours for different windows on the taskbar
Aha, yeah. I doubt Rudd will offer it again xD
Yeah, i have all this 4U mechanics homework that has been piling up too that i have to finish :'(
Yeah, you're supposed to have it on the same day as the official Catholic timetable but if there's c clash you can change it

Thanks, any help would be appreciated XD
** TBC **