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  • hey mag is this correct? just copy and pasted what i wrote in prev/ thread

    "Internal assessment marks are very important because it demonstrates where your rank stands
    relative to your cohort

    being ranked 2nd (behind 1st by 5 marks) is the exact same as being ranked 5th and behind 1st by 5 marks.

    you may be ranked 2nd by 5 marks.. which would bring your internal assessment lower than if you were 2nd by only 1 mark

    So rank + internal marks = both equally important"
    I'm very grateful for the ranks i've gotten this year though hehe and soo proud hehe.. in prelims i was bottom in everything (20% final for maths, 40% final for english, 50% for business final, 40% final for ancient and eco 80% in 2010 prelims).. and HSC has been a huge elevation for me. I use be called a 'dumb' always so this was my self-motivation with the prospect of law in my future. Very to happy though considering i've been coming 1st in eco, ancient and english numerous times this year with good preparation and motivation .. (XD i will never ever call myself smart though, im just prepared i guess) However i believe maths is very disappointing considering i went to one of the best mathematics colleges in sydney and still did so poorly. (Lack of exam techniques and i lacked constitency in my mathematics)

    However, im just finding it really difficult to study all subjects comprehensivley T.T.. I really want to do law though, im thinking about going into politics in my future.
    Yes i put my top 3 as macq. combined degrees and rest as other supplementary degrees.

    Im just finding it really difficult, since HSC is in about 22-23 days.. Im not sure how to approach my studying atm.. I'm still revising on my notes and I have only tackled past papers for math.. I haven't even touched ancient and eco and they are my two best subjects T.T...

    argg the HSC is doom, i can't imagine doing law in uni.. it would be 100x chaotic.. ATM im doing about 8hrs of study per day T.T... I am balancing my life out well though which is making me able to handle my stress.

    how is uni for you?? didn't you recently have exams??
    Hey enoil!! T.T my studies aren't going to well these days which is a shock. T.T....

    i've been prepared but still not doing enough.. too distracted by the internet lol... this is why im back on bos.. (very difficult to leave lol)..

    Btw im doing uac atm!! If i really want to do law at mq , should I put all my preferences in uac as combined law degrees. eg. 1. Law/commerce 2. Law/arts 3. Law/international studies.. (and do they have different amount of positions for each combined course??)
    school rank 63
    english advanced 19/42 top 20 get band 6
    business studies 23/43 top 25 band 6 most likely
    ancient history 19/27 lowest mark is like band 4's and teacher said everyone should atleast get band 5
    turkish dnt no how much people doing it .. but im 3rd and teacher said i can get 85-90 in exam
    biology 20/24 raw mark 65

    if i achieve the marks in the other message i posted can i achieve an atar of 87
    when typing marks in the atar calculator, is that the hsc mark (moderated internals and aligned external)? or can I get a rough atar estimate if I type in my internal assessment mark (not moderated)
    yeah its so true. I used to do modern history but I had a shit teacher and thus I couldn't learn much and as a result, dropped it :(

    but now I really regret dropping modern instead of physics. Modern history really helped me to do really well in legal studies as a result (on the other hand, modern history = way more content than legal). Legal is seriously BSable. I studied nothing for world order and still got 15/25 for the trial essay, wrote around 600-700 words. I barely even studied for family law, got 22/25 with only 600 words :)
    I'm aiming for 90 raw mark in the legal exam, so maybe 94-95 in the external. I fucked up my internals due to lack of study of the subject (my writing and making of an argument is fine, but it's just the content that's at stake - I'm bad with memorization)

    What was your mark for legal studies?
    btw ty for the estimate though, i checked your profile just then and saw XD..!! it gives me a bit a motivation thinking my marks are alright so far hehehe.

    Also i agree with you, i'll be so stressed. my parents are anticipating so much from me =.=, and ill be on holidays also when i get my atar which is much more scarier =.=...

    btw i hope i get to law school. this is final post for real LOL!! kk bb dude see yah soon!
    Thanks alot enoil!! you're the nicest person i met in this e-community, i shall let you know after hsc or after the exams. This is my real time to 'leave' now since i've been getting distracted with the internet too much.

    I've been very lazy past weeks since trial, but now im actually starting to study harder now and im finalising everything very well. Economics/Ancient/Business is going very well with me tbh i think ill be able to achieve b6 in them if i get my act together in 5 weeks time. I agree with you also, this time of the year is the most stressful since hsc is such a huge amount (50%) and im competing against the whole state not my cohort, I just need to get my game on track.

    I was deciding few weeks ago on giving up my pursuit for mq law school by substituting for another degree, but since getting re-motivated i think law school is very favorable for me :)
    Hey dude!! i am back to ask you one very minor thing!!! sorry broke the promise..

    my studies are going pretty well but this question has been on mind for a while now..

    My eco teacher gave us rankings few weeks ago and we thought those were our final (those were ranks without trial marks) , but he just recently gave us our real 'final' with internal marks which will be mentioned in our report and sent to bos.

    btw these our full ranks mentioned in reports, could i have a final atar estimate plz?? this will be the last before i really concentrate my studies for externals.

    I got rank 1/17 for internal eco (85 internal total), 4/30 business studies (8 marks off first) 80 internal mark, 3/33 for ancient history (3 marks off first) 86 internal, 2/70 for english (1 mark off first) 83 internal, rank 15/30 2u 44 internal.

    School rank is 204/205 ... btw this is a new estimate with my eco rank changed o_O??
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