Declaration in Response to the Strike Action
1. We support the staff in their right to carry out industrial action in pursuit of their demands regarding working conditions.
2. We acknowledge the role of the unions in achieving better working conditions for university staff.
3. We acknowledge...
I'm a fifth year student at USYD and I love my uni and our lecturers. I also have a casual job with the uni and am a councillor on the SRC.
Although I agree with some of the demands made by staff, and affirm their right to strike, 3 days of disruptions in 4 weeks of semester is going too far...
I would suggest to stay in Sydney as there are definitely more opportunities here and both USyd and UNSW are good unis. However i must say it would be hard to with an ATAR in the 96's to transfer into law in second year, cos its prettty competitive... you'd need an HD average i reckon.
If you...
yepyep thats why its in my display pic haha.. cos i like durian and its so controversial.. some ppl hate it =P and cos it has my name in it haha in fact my facebook name is Dur-Ian Chan lol =P
at least you didnt get a letter saying you were rejected lol (thats what i got in the early stages when i applied haha)
and yes you shoud go to the breakfast, apparently its good (free food in any case).. i was in HK at the time so i couldnt make it and i was sad LOL =P
this is half of my degree and the part that im mainly doing atm so here you go:
Firstly you should know, the BIGS degree is just a glorified BA with 4 compulsory units and a more limited pool of majors to choose from.. but you get to graduate with BIGS at the end of your name lol...
yeh they don't have interviews for merit scholarships.. its just given upon.... merit.. lol =P
when i applied, i got a letter saying i was rejected haha
congrats to you iTz Osky on your scholarship! =D
1. Find point T by simultaneous equations of tangents at P and Q
2. Find gradient of chord PQ..... m = (p+q)/2
3. Find the equation of chord PQ .... y = (p+q)x/2 - apq ....
4. Find the equation of TK using m = -2/(p+q) and point T [(a(p+q), apq] ..... y = -2x/(p+q) + apq + 2a