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  • You worry about others too much haha. Either way there are heaps of ways to help other people out during your life. If you're really dedicated YOU WILL FIND A WAY (just had to caps that).
    I don't really have anything to say though lol because i know nothing about med credentials. =='

    (also maybe shortages come about because their doctors come over here haha :p)
    Ohhh. But why not just stay in Aus? I mean syd is complete crap in terms of house pricing ect but it's still decent here.

    Haha never, i'd be the worst doctor (giving out wrong prescriptions ect :p). I'm just trying for eco at usyd/unsw (overseas if i manage a scholarship). I want to see the world!
    I reckon your school is probably similar to mine. The top end is full of beasts (lol fobs) but the tail is also a big burden (lol lebos). Screw others and just know your goals and you'll be okay.

    You still considering med?
    Well if you're really passionate, I think becoming a doctor in asia will add on another 5-10 years roughly? I don't know, you have to choose. If in Asia, find out your ATAR and go on a student exchange. I don't know much about medicine over there but it'd be pointless going into mbbs here if its useless in Asia.
    So many people trying so hard these holidays. Will be interesting to see people rise up in ranks (and others fall).
    Is your grade very competetive?
    I don't know how it works in America. All I know is it's more about the $$. Hmm why don't you want to work in Australia?
    Haha ofc :p. How'd you do in term 1? Boss it?
    Yeah, all the vigour from the holidays is gone. Now it's just like meh/cbf.

    Also haha i've started phys as H. My friend told me yesterday it was crap. Me: FUUUUUUU!!
    Strange... where do you intend to work though? I was thinking mainly Australia or America. But America is only if I absolutely fail to get into MBBS in Australia :/. America is much easier to get into and their "HSC" is called the SAT which has 2 unit level maths. TESTED FOR EVERYONE, it doesn't get as hard as even 3u apparently.
    Lol just procrastinating at home :p. You?

    I did basically no work today :( Feelin' guilty. You know, i actually can't wait for school (is that weird?)
    Yeah ikr, basically only two more weeks :(
    I remember this time last year we weren't doing anything hahahaha.

    Umm yeah they've been good i guess. A good balance between going out and studying.

    You going H this term?
    Yeah I don't know if I actually want to go then. If he can come closer then fine, but otherwise nah. Sorry.
    TOONGABBIE. WTFFFFFF. Dude that will take me at least 2 hours to get there :L
    I think I can make it ^_^. Name me the location, time, and price. Do I have to finish Maintaining a balance?
    All of Blueprint of Life? :S I don't know, I could attend only a few lessons but I'm heading off to Fiji for 10 days on the 18th so yeah..
    Umm it totally depends on the day, time and fee. On school weeks, I have tutoring on Saturday and Sunday but I could arrange my time after school
    What do you mean? Like go to bio tutoring together or just help each other?
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