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  • oh I feel your pain, I hate the feeling of not knowing where you are going :S hence why I hate travelling around Newcastle so much
    ooooooooooh, ok i got heaps confused because i thought i was missing something. I do hlsc at callaghn. And I have to walk about 30 mins to get to my class from my house some days its not too bad. I actually like it cause otherwise I would probably not get any excersize at all!
    lol, as if I would put it back in...

    nah it was just really interesting, I was getting sick of our old topics so a new one was nice for a change. And Im back to hating physio, newcastle, and life in general at the moment anyway
    It was a 90 zone sorta on the highway but I didnt really know where I was. I was lost.

    Stupid assignment, silly pedantic rules. I have no idea what the HLSC final exam will be like but even my physio lecturer told us basically that the course was crap and told us all to do the surveys to make sure there is a big enough percentage of people complaining to make a change.

    I actually changed my mind about not being sure about Physio today when we did a tute on cardio physiotherapy and it was awesome! :)
    Well I got fined 250 dollars and lost 2 points. The rule is if you are in the right lane you must be overtaking. I was looking for a right turn as I realised I wanted to go the opposite way as I took a wrong turn.

    What mistake did you make, that was a bit unfair if it was only one thing just repeated but that is uni. I just went through all the emails on my uni account and looks like people have been complaining about hlsc ALOT. haha.

    Yeah but three years can be a long time i guess, lol to me Newcastle is a city its too big and has too many roads! But sydney would be worse I guess. I spoke to someone who did nuclear med for a year who hated clinicals as it was boring and and ppl in that field cant diagnose and are legally obliged not to tell the patient if they see something wrong even if its really obvious, the doctor has to be the one to tell them.
    Yeah she handed me a ticket, if you read it, it sounds ridiculous. "driving in right lane in 80k zone" . And court is completely free, all i do is tell the judge what happened answer some question and he will decide on the spot if he will reduce/abolish it or not. So i guess worst case scenario i pay the ticket and thats that. And yeah my dad used to be a cop.

    I dont catch the train so i dont know what the rail officers are like but i can see the temptation to just ride the train for free.

    Dont worry about your essay the question wasnt any good, did you read the comments? The marker basically said it was a good response I just let myself down with punctuation.

    I guess everyone goes through second guessing their course. I think clinicals will show me what i need to know. I think its more of a case of hating newcastle and uni rather than hating physio. idk
    I went through my paper no spelling mistakes. All her comments said was sentences weren't short enough? So i was like wtf why do i fail a whole section just because my sentences weren't short. I messaged that Shane person. Hopefully they fix it up. One of my friends she done night before and got 88% like :mad:
    always lie to prospective employers, and my babysitting job is crap- although i know there is a guy who works fot the same company. Too much travel for an hour and a half shift :S and its easy you just take them home and play wii with them until the parent comes home.

    what did you get in hlsc? did you pass? It isnt really relevant to any profession unless you want to do research and write boring paper no one will read so dont stress about it.

    basically with the ticket i think she was having a bad day and wanted to get her arrest rate up. My used to be a cop and mum says he went off when she told him about it lol . Im fighting it so i get to go to court yay...

    Are you enjoying your course btw? Im double guession wether Im in the right field or not...
    oh and did you go to your anatomy lab session? I skipped mine today wasnt feeling too good this morning
    i got 59 which considering i did it all in one night was an ok effort, still a little dissapointing i guess, i wonder how many failed.

    LOL I post on my own wall all the time its so annoying!

    As far as I can tell my roomate does not know we stole an egg>.< and I plan to replace it because I actually feel bad about it.

    I think i may quit my babysitting job, its too much trouble for barely any work and too much travel. I got pulled over by a police woman for driving...wait for it...TOO SLOW! on my first shift when I was driving one of the clinents kids home I got so upset about it. And you have to lie within reason I just basically wrote my roomates resume for him when i forced him to apply for jobs.

    Oh and I didnt yell at my roomate I never yell. And women are much more into emotional blackmail ;) works everytime.
    Hey man how you go in HLSC?
    I got 63% so dissapointed.
    I made 3 spelling mistakes so i failed that section. Everything else was good :mad:
    i have three roomates, two who were strangers and in their last year of study and one who i went to school with which is good.

    I worked at coles in the deli dept so i got to clean lots of chicken ovens lol, do you work?

    And yer im discovering that my roomate is quite ignorant we went home for the weekend so we went out to catchup with people and he just ditched me at a tavern with all these people i barely knew, im still pretty pissed off at that considering that I do all the driving, cooking and he still needs to be asked to do the dishes.

    You should have a hubs 1105 lab session this week but no lecture as this is revision week so tutes run, lectures dont.
    no i didnt get any cake it all ended up in the bin i was spewing and we couldnt make anymore becuase we'd already stolen an egg from our roomate and didnt have enough to make anymore.

    Cleaning the oven didnt take too long, I used to clean ovens alot at work but it was easier cause industrial ovens have a drain and hose and cleaning setting where as our crappy hosue oven has none of that and is falling apart luckily for me my roomate did most of it =)
    proof that men cant cook, my roomate just put a cake in the oven, in a plastic container...the container melted and we are now cleaning half cooked cake off the bottem of our oven.
    lol that cook book would be better used as fire kindling >.<

    lol sometimes when i was bothered i wrote notes and sometimes i just listened, i wasnt sure which would work better, but i found towards the end that unless i took notes i would drift off and not pay attention to a word so i have some notes.... and my way of studying is just cramming everything into the last night before the exam luckily i seem to function very well without sleep.
    nah he's not asian, but i guess its a stereotype that all asians must like rice, but rice is so easy to cook there is no excuse for not being able to boil some for a couple minutes...

    women better at cooking than guys

    food basic necessity of life


    and in school chicks do better than guys, i bet there are much more girls in the 90 plus threshhold

    and i've done nothing for hubs1105 other than attend so i wont be studying i'll be learning it all...but i figure the closer you learn it to the exam the less time there is to forget it ;)
    Today 5:52 PM - permalink

    stuff that i normally cook like stir fryes, pasta etc He didnt even know who to make rice...RICE! like wtf lol.

    Pretty sure that girls own in english, and are generally the smarter ones in school in general so you can have your crummy maths

    I didnt mind Hubs tute today, the brain is interesting and we saw a head but i didnt really connect it to anything, didnt love it though. I missed the first half becuase i didnt get out of bed because i was up will 3.30 last night ugh

    Have u done much work for hubs1105? I've done nothing and am thoroughly screwed...
    pretty pathetic, i had to teach him how to cook >.< but he's better at maths than i am.We are doing the face, hmmmm those labs will be fun :S... And we have all three hours of lectues. They're going to be our last ones ever! *silently cries over how screwed i am for the exams
    LOL im definately not buff, im terribly unathletic these days >.< my roommate is just extremely pathetic ...

    in the end we didnt patch things up, dont see eachother anymore after which is good i prefer it that way

    and my car is so crap that it wouldnt be worth replacing the paint if i end up peeling any off, so i'll just see how it goes over the nexgt two years then drive it until it dies which wont be long anyway.
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