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  • i just put it together in a few hours i didnt worry to much about research and that. I just got my 10 sources and covered a broad range of topics quality of function, quality of life, integrated health teams and assessment of team values and just sorta intergrated the ideas in the intro and conclusion. I didnt make a big deal out of it I just want my P and to be on my way.

    No idea about online stuff to be honest, I really dont know what they will test for this subject as it feels like they havent even covered any content its just so muddled and poorly run. But I'm sure I will pass either way
    you might be surprised how well you've done, I dont think it was that bad. Howd you go with your manual handling assessment?
    i finished at 10pm which knowing my track record was pretty damn early but now i cant sleep and its like 1am so it wouldnt have really mattered ugh. How did you go with your originality report? i got 20% matching text but that was just stuff like my references all were matching and direct quotes and stuff so its pretty good i guess. it will be interesting to see the results all the same
    well done! i'm still going i've got to tidy up my paragraphs and do a conclusion then im all done :)
    you'll be pleased to know i actually started my hlsc intro done yays im not a complete lost cause after all
    yep its a guy and i wouldnt say he's that good looking but she might disagree! its pretty weird but it does make uni more interesting lol i seem to befriend the strange ones but i guess i wouldnt have it any other way
    dont worry i dont plan on stalking anyone >.< I have no desire to i do have a shred of self respect left haha. And I'm niether book smart or street smart at all. But speaking of stalker a friend of mine is stalking one of her hubs 1105 tutors. so just be warned there are people like that out there!
    a white one...people ask me what brand/model it is and i dont really know or care >.< and i could stalk you down quite easily actually as i know what course you are in and what uni fyi not that i will but just saying (not as smart as you thought you were lol)
    but for all you know im a guy! Im really not but seriously Im a random off the internet so i could be ;) And I never catch trains or buses I generally walk everywhere or drive my car
    ah but you have no idea who i am! I could be your very own bus driver and you'd have no idea!!! Mind you I drive alot better than most bus drivers I've met >.<
    my retardedness definately deserves special consideration, on the weekend I was driving and my friend was in the backseat giving me directions off a map and i forgot my left and right... needless to say i think everyone in the car was a bit traumatised after that.
    What could you have gotten wrong! Those were the hardest questions :)
    DW you will have enough time to finish HLSC.
    yes but you only need 50% to pass :) and I was well aware i needed 10 sources Im not completely retarded...ok I am but still.
    Hey man hope you gunned HUBS1401. I got Patella wrong :( and i think i got the muscle action potential one wrong but rest should be fine.
    I finished HLSC thank god i just pray i get close to HD for referencing, writing, spelling and title page stuff. And the other 25% ill be happy with a pass :p.
    You done library quiz? ill give u the answers.
    i officially did the lib quiz and i just found it...violating lol but i passed so thats all that matters. And I've offically got three whole sources for my essay yay me. And if im not going to do my hsc essays until the night befpore they are due then hlsc crap i find pointless and kinda insulting and only need 50% in doesnt have a chance!
    oh i havnt done the libary quiz either haha, oh well i find it boring and pointless plus its only 1000 words and i can fudge the references to suit whatever crap i spew out. Im sure this will end the same way every assessment ends with me putting it off until 24 hours before its due then becoming stressed as i realise that its much harder than i anticipated and having an allnighter stress fest but doing well in the end. Its just the way i seem to do things and i've accepted i wont change lol. but seriously i will do like some of it tomorrow...maybe

    oh and if you want to know why i took so long to reply its because i managed to write all this on my own page and not yours...yep I am kinda retarded
    oh haha. I was the one who stole the chip. Those fobs blokes were too funny.
    Lol nah i passed that manual handling. I thought you were talking bout the infoskills :p
    Yeh man def nice to see u. If i see u next another time ill say hey!
    WHat you get for infoskills and hows the assignment. I've planned it i just cbf to start.
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