Recent content by lama33

  1. L

    What did everyone think?

    i did say something about the micro-organisms containing the enzyme cellulase do you think they mind about spelling mistakes in ag
  2. L

    What did everyone think?

    yeah wat was that question about i wrote about the difference between the 2
  3. L

    What did everyone think?

    i thougth paper 1 was so much better then paper 2 i think the standard deviation was 2 point something wat electives did you do i did animal management and sustainable land and resource management
  4. L

    Agriculture exam

    How did everyone go i think i went heaps good but got stuck on the genotype question but i think i still went heaps good
  5. L

    Bali threats and skoolies

    yeah probably but they hav also being giving out these warnings for the past 6 years as long as the australia torist are nice to the balinese, i dont think there shall be a problem most balinese are buduist anyways the jarvanese on the other hand are muslim
  6. L

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    that must be it then
  7. L

    Bali threats and skoolies

    3rd - 13th december yeah me and about 15 others from my skool are goin a few pulled out but
  8. L

    Weirdest place you have m*bated?

    Re: Weirdest place you have masturbated? ahaha that is classic 2 gold stars for you
  9. L

    Bali threats and skoolies

    Has anyone changed there mind about goin to bali for skoolies because of the threats?
  10. L

    Weirdest place you have m*bated?

    Re: Weirdest place you have masturbated? roadworks
  11. L

    Are you homosexual/bisexual?

    Theres one other girl in my grade who is gay, but i think thats all i never recieved harrasment at skool but i did recieve some on this site when i posted a thread about homophobia
  12. L


    i will fence sit all i want
  13. L


    hit the nail on the head
  14. L


    i am bisexual but it is much easer to say that im gay people take it alot easer that way
  15. L


    now thats just stupid i obviously do know the difference