Hey people
I was wondering if you can answer my question. What makes a person who does sports, charity work and participates in leadership roles so attractive to the interviewers. I saw the application form for UNSW, and it barely asked these actitivities besides a little subsection where it...
Say for some reason i can get Usyd or UNSW for combine law, but i am a science/commerce person with not too much interest in law, should i still go for the combined law degrees to distinguish myself from other science/commerce graduates?
And can i just get the bachelor degree for law and get...
Need the opinions of uni students atm
What course to take if I wanted to become rich? Hardness of course(1-5)? Level of interest (boring-very interesting)?
What course for a quiet passive job? Hardness? Level of interest?
What course for a exciting and stimulating career? Hardness...
Does he go NSBH now? Nonetheless, 48% in maths is very low, no matter how difficult the test is.
OF course it is theoretically possible. But what are the chances one person getting medicre and then acing everything.
Say you fail in getting the UAI you want ( i want law at USyd) what is the next best option?I've heard repeating at TAFE. How does that work?
How about getting into law through high achievements in another course?
What is the best option. Pls i want to know
sweetas how could your marks differ SOOO much from last year to this year, did you have a mental breakdown or something
realistically NO, you will not get 99.6. I'm guessing at most you are average in your grade with your subjects at the moment. You need to step it up and get better marks...
Well seems like a 'smarter year' at the sefton
If last year there were 99.6s with different ppl topping different subjects, and now there lobster tops 8 of the units, i would say 99.8-99.9 depending on English ranks
But i'm no UAI predictor, only using logic
Need confidence to motivate me
Approxiamates ranks, marks
ENg Adv 20/120 72%
Chem 10/80 88%
Phy 2/70 96%
3U maths 6/100 88%
4U maths 7/44 73%
School ranked around 40-45 range in charts
Pls dont say it is too early, just give it a try
Has anyone developed eyes problems during the HSC? I noticed my eyes can see as clear as they use to say in year 10. I use to be able to see train table tv, from like 30 metres away, and tiny writings on the tv, and overhead never bothered me despite what position in the classroom i may be...
Do you get a remark, or appeal to the head teacher? or what? How about if the head teacher is the marker. You question him/her on the faults of your writing and pressure her to give you a good mark?
Of course this is only if you think you writing deserves more credit than it gets
Actually define what u mean by textual integrity first?
SO if a novel is a novel, it has textual integrity? but if it has elements of something else which it shouldn't, it doesn't have textual inte?
Then don't all postmodern text have no inte with their mixing of genres?
Detached narrative? Sound kinda weird to me.
My interpretation. I stand on WS having integrity. This is shown in
-common themes, family struggle against political forces, feminist views
-progressive narration- events are in chronological order and people, and there we can see her...