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  • The only courses I would possibly take up for the hsc would be either History Ext. (if I stay on with Modern), or Eng or Math Ext 2, though I'm flattering myself to suggest I'd plausibly go well in 4 unit Maths. I'm definitely keeping Maths Ext.1 though; maths is great! Probably my favourite subject at the moment.
    Far out! Makes my groans of complaint seem trivial in comparison. 4 unit maths ALONGSIDE everything else, that would be interesting. lol :D

    I can't wait to the holidays; if I drop Modern I will have no assignments! What joy! Either way, pure relaxation should be nice. Though I am starting to find the work load of 14 units satisfactory.
    Nawww. :(

    Dw about it. You seem like a smart kid anyway. ;)

    Have fun with your friends tonight. =)
    It's okay.

    No need to be sorry.

    But yeah, thanks for the rep.

    Next time, don't post stuff like that. :p
    Helloo. Yeah; I just have so much work right now. I have an assignment for every subject bar maths/ext, so 6, which is one to do every 12 days. Aghhh! And I just came back from camp with year 7'ers (peer support thingo) which means I missed three days of school. In addition, I also have three tests over the next two weeks. Lots and lots to do! It is rather annoying as the teachers could have organised it so as the assignments were evenly distributed throughout the year; though, as ever, all the assignments were given simultaneously. Anyway, that's me ranting. Hows things for you? Advanced any further in your readings? I haven't really, which is bad; though I am touching up an essay I wrote in the holidays on free wil and causality. It's very bias and I can't help but habitually use ephemeral terms, which also is rather bad. I don't want to, as one of my more affectionate friends would say, "just have a wank of words". :D
    mirakon I'm honoured u want me to be your friend; but I don't know what that entails. I don't even know where to click to accept/reject. Must get my son to help out some time. But I'd be happy to help you in any way I can from time to time. Cheers.
    But of course. I think that the lines between atheism and agnosticism have been infinitely more blurred over the past twenty years as scientific understanding of the observable universe comes along in leaps and bounds. I think that, at this point, they are intrinsically linked concepts, really.
    Oh philosophy, such a whirlwind it is.

    You seem an intelligent guy. Thanks for the rep, by the way. You don't seem to be a theist, so my disagreement was you was really just one of semantics.
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