Haha. My chem teacher took the clock off the wall in period 6 coz everyone kept looking at the clock and not him hehe Funny as
Yeah, I wish I had a choice of when to be sick lol.
Yay Long weekend
Lol I think we all have some sleep to catch up on. That's what long weekends are for
I'm feeling better now thank you..Sure did go to school. I've only been there for one day and I'm already dying for the weekend! XD Love weekends...
What did you get up to todaii?
assessments....i still have english, religion, biology, legal & maths
so everything other than cafs, since i handed my cafs assignment in this week but we are getting another assignment for cafs
yeah i coach for under 10's.. mind you, more than half can't even hit the ball straight lol. i guess i shouldn't be saying that, it makes me sound like a bad coach :-|.
oh well, i play comp too ..
how about you...
lol wow you really understand where im coming from spot on
yeah im just not sure whether they will think that or not... even if im asking him as a friend
ahh nerves lol
definately true about uni too
and that sounds like a good plan
you lucky thing!!!! enjoy now
and french is absolutely wonderful i must agree