Re: Why is the average velocity of the particles greater in 1 mole of hydrogen gas at
Temperature correlates to the average kinetic energy (KE) of the particles.
KE = 1/2 mv^2 (from physics)
If m (mass) is lower, v (velocity) is higher for some temperature i.e. fixed KE
Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015.
Ah the microprocessor activities are somewhat fun compared to the others :)
Thanks! I found it (there's also an activity for blogging which I didn't see before)
Which Goldstein?? I'm in G02 O:
Re: UNSW Chit Chat Thread 2015.
Oh yeah I'm really confused about all that portfolio stuff and the "interim resume" due in week 5 :| Do you know where to access the blog on openlearning?
And I havn't started yet - first one tomorrow :)
I can't think of anything outside of buying concession tickets (including using concession opal card which takes ~5 business days to order) without a concession card. Assess the risks before you do this :P
My friend and I received our ID's through this method and as far as I can tell they look exactly like what they were on the mock ID's on the review page when you submit it (my face slightly widened on mock ID and same for real ID because I didn't bother to crop it to correct dimensions).