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  • Well that's nice :)
    You have plenty of time for your exam, you can study a lot in a week :)
    So do you only have one exam?
    Well it was about the teaching of k-6 english ie:
    Stuff about talking and listening, reading, writing
    The 4 cues readers use semantic, syntactic, phonological and visual
    Teaching different text types
    Literacy session plans and stuff like that.

    Nice birthday time hehe :D
    Heh, I didn't study for any of mine except the day I had the exam this year :S
    One exam for the year, that's epic, I think I have 3 next semester, lawl.

    Well good luck with the exam, I realised last night that it's been ages since I read anything (other than required uni readings), I'll have to ammend that these holidays.

    I have an exam in like 1 hour 20 mins, think it'll be fairly alright though.
    yea i know you were saying good men are fantasy creatures....

    and i was saying they do exist, so therefore dragons may also exist since good men do and they are fantasy :p
    Pretty damn good thankfully :)
    Had a K-6 English exam today and it seemed nice and easy, which is good cos I did little/no study for it, haha.
    Got a Foundations of Education one tomoz which I'll have to make some notes for later, but it seems like it will be alright too from what they've told us...

    How are you going with uni?
    haha yeah. I have another friend whos 17 and at uni grr, oh well, I can go to the pub after school...on my own :( *cry* hehe.
    Doesn't bother me too much
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