Isn't it amazing though the things you find you absolutely *have* to do when it comes to studying...
'I really have to clean my room right now'
'I really have to go for a run'
'I really have to listen to this new song'
and the best ones:
"I'll just check my myspace quickly for...
I'm gonna be writing extremely big and extremely fast.
Was it hard jumping from one module to the next straight away?
..we havent done it before now...our half yearly was only on Transformations..
I'm packin it now man...i hope i can remember everything!!
Has anyone done modern...
Is English paper 2 a bitch?
..cause mine is on thursday...was sticking to the 45mins per essay really hard?
cause that is where i scrooge up all the time...i wish we were like QLD and only had assessments!!!
I hate school.
Lol i wrote ten yesterday for the journeys essay...and i swear for my creative writing which i left to last was 8 pages because each letter took up 2 lines!! haha!!
I was dead after it though...went home and watched tv for the rest of the day...
I really dont know how i will cope with the...
Yeah i just wanted to make sure because it is a really touchy subject at my school...if you bring it up they basically bite your head off..
It was explained though that apparantly private schools get to determine what form of provisions our students get for internal exams...and then BOS comes...
Yeah thats what i mean..just wanted to ask because every other hsc student i have asked really hasnt heard of it before..
Has your school gone through a massive process to make sure you could have special provisions?
..because at my school it seems that everyone and anyone who wants it can...
Big writing is my secret to 8+ pages..and as I run out of time it gets bigger and bigger!!
Just a question to everyone..
Does anyone in year 12 at your school have 'Special Provisions'?
Hey guys...its great to talk to people who hate the HSC as well...
I go to a really small school...its fairly new...and the teachers freak out that they won't get any students because of our HSC results..
They are so caught up in the previous: 'hard working, excellent' year 12 class...that...