they dont give a shit what you download as long as it not obvious (ie 10gb in a day). every week you get a 15gb allowence so just load the torrents when you are at home then pause it then just start it up when you get to uni.
also dont get 64bit
You have to have an active account of school of computing and maths (to create an account you gotta have at least 1 unit in SCM)
then just login at this site and choose your download:
ELMS, UWS School of Computing & Mathematics
any 64 bit operating system is incompatiable with airUWS
however if you have currently enrolled in any unit in the school of computing and maths....UWS will give you windows 7 32 bit for free.
just letting everyone know that last week I did my test at castle hill RTA and I only had to do a 3point turn and a curb side i dunno maybe they wont ask for it everytime anymore
you can just leave out one elective unit ...the electives are only to buld up your credit points so if you use a unit set the extra unit will count as your elective.
ok I was reading about concssion cards here:
Travel Concessions | University of Western Sydney (UWS)
and it says i gotta fill out this form:
So my question is do I just fill this form out, and give it to them while they make my ID...
because so many ppl do business and com they had to make it a long session.
you may as well turn up at the start of the session and stay for as long as you need to.
is it realy important/nessesary for students and/or parents to go to? my parents want to go but i duno if they realy need to be there..
also what do they talk about cause im having troubles enroling..