I agree.
Literally 5 minutes before I clicked on this post; I was making my predictions...
(I predicted the questions of both my modules for Modern History and One Module and Core); Legal Studies..... is a bit different to history in making, 'calculated' predictions.... they can draw from a...
I predicted my modules to the question... even the wording.
I predicted that USA 1919-1941; (I did not guess, I kind of knew) would be not only Foreign Policy, but Domestic pressures. I wrote the same essay I did the day before the exam, which was marked by a former Senior Modern marker. I...
Given your calculation.... would the same be applied.... (this would be exceptional) if:
1st Assessment Rank: External: 65
2nd Assessment Rank: External 94
Would 2nd have a 79.5
(Where the gap in internals is a mere 1.6%)
Does not seem very logical.... (better yet, fair)
Given this Scenario:
Assessment Rank 1: Achieves an external exam mark of 80
Assessment Rank 2: Achieves an exam external mark of 94
The gap between the individuals in the assessment is 1.7%
The remainder of the class bombed out and achieved no higher than 65... downwards.
Tbh, I will get the ATAR for my course (93) anyhow, but the idea that my mark will not be an accurate representation of my performance in the subject does hurt.
Are you sure you are not simplifying this? The gap was 1.7%... Surely, they do not merely find an average... disregarding all the circumstances which may surround it. For instance, if the gap with 0.4%....
Anyone have a clear answer.
Given this Scenario:
Assessment Rank 1: Achieves an external exam mark of 80
Assessment Rank 2: Achieves an exam external mark of 94
The gap between the individuals in the assessment is 1.7%
The remainder of the class bombed out and achieved no higher...
That is the, 'Crime Long Response'. I understand your viewpoint and in my own studies I would take a similar approach in that I would address a range of issues when answering that section of the paper... specific to the Optional modules contemporary issues, I am questioning whether there are...
Where a HSC question asks you... for example,
How effective has law reform been in dealing with contemporary issues in the workplace?
In this circumstance, I would consider it appropriate to focus on one issue in isolation and go into extensive detail.
However, are there any circumstances...
I wouldn't say it is a matter of 'neglect' but more-so how long it actually takes me to effectively answer the question... Those questions worth 25 marks, can be done effectively in 1300 Words c.10-11 HSC writing booklet pages (50 minutes for me). Hoover requires more time as the 10 Mark...
I am able to allocated 55 Minutes to the JEH Section:
-USA 1919-1941: 50 Mins
-The Pacific: 50 Mins
-J.E. Hoover: 55 Mins
-World War 1: 25 Mins
However, I am struggling to find a way to answer both sections... even in that time...
How long does the Rise to Prominence have to be? My...
I don't mean to be critical, however, couldn't one avoid doing US Society altogether?
You realize, that if you are prepared to answer any question on:
- Great Depression
- New Deal
- Foreign Policy
You can completely neglect the social section....
The nature of the categories I suggests is...