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  • I believe we established that the last time I saw you!! haha. 4 years, including honours and masters :)
    Excited to finish?
    Not too bad haha, have congrats on your grad job!! have you starting working yet?
    Was on it a bit last year not so much after season over, cause of HSC didn't manage to get membership this year so just been watching games at home, used to be in the RBB every game last year, including away games at newcastle and central coast but not to melb and qld and shit haha.
    ahaha I used to post in it heaps, and I will continue too :D, wait what do you mean if the tutor lets me? can't I just re-enrol now? O.O
    bhahah I dunno, I thought you thought it was horrendous cause of its format or anything HAHA, all good then :D but probably gonna give up my free day and go to my friends tutes cause he couldn't get into my tutes cause they full now
    Hey! You said that some of the engo timetables we had were horrendous? Could you please help me with mine if its bad it's all so confusing >< please help a fellow wanderers supporter!
    Ofc I realise it's different you dumb, dumb.

    At the end of the day it's the same pointless, jobless course.

    SO GONGRATS TO YOU!?!!!O!-*!*!*!*!~*~*~!*!*~*~*~
    Look, internal transfer to arts maths at unsw, i could do that in my sleep lol

    usyd is a bit harder if you havent noticed by looking at all the course outlines and shit like i have.

    Not really gloating, more you were wrong and you can go fuck yourself motherfucker!!! :p::p:p:pP: ~*~*~*~~***~*~*~*~~*~*~ SJSBIERAGJA~~*~*~*~*~***~~*
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