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  • hehe
    finally its alll over!! XD haha

    lol yeah true true

    really?? wow

    hehe ohk kwl
    just as long as you think you can improve n stuff
    lol i dont know what im saying today...awww still in sleepy mode XD

    nah not just for english
    but what i meant was like just start making like summary notes of the topics as you go
    well i guess it depends on how you study
    but ohk..what i mean is umm lol aw damn!
    but for english what you could do is make like a summary sheet for each of your perscribed n related texts n how they fit into the module or whatever n how the related texts relate to the perscribed text n stuff
    am i making any sense??
    haha more like 1 day now!! >.<

    haha aw yeah cause payin off stuff is just THE BEST

    ohk awesome hehe how many yrs is that??

    lol kay well which one do you like best?? which ones are you better at??

    hehe thats good just as long as you keep it up you'll be fine =]
    start making summary notes asap!!
    trust me
    it helps ALOT lol
    it took u a whole 24 hours to wite yya.
    that did not advance my knowledge one teeny bit, other than that ur wasting my pixels. :(
    *hugs back*

    Hehe, that's a good idea. The entire moles topic is in the HSC course after all hehe.
    For chem hmm i guess just general stuff like knowing how to balance equations etc etc.
    For physics, learn how to read questions. By that i mean learn to recognise what and how much needs to be in your answers - the marks their worth are a good indication but practise is required.

    Ah, for maths just know everything. I managed to do all my work in class so never had homework, but if you're not bothered doing the work at least understand the concept and be able to answer questions XD

    For English, if you suck at it like me use it to strengthen your skills. What they want in essays is different to year 9 and 10 so yeah, do the best you can assignment wise :)

    Generally, just work out how you need to answer questions as each subject has their own way of wanting you to answers questions :p
    And in terms of uni...

    I have no idea what to do really. :( I always wanted to do science, I love genetics and all that bio stuff... but this year I'm starting to think differently. The problem is that there are so many degrees I'd like to take but I don't have a career goal to go with them!!

    I'm aiming for a b/psych at usyd, which has an atar of 97+, but then when it comes down to it I dont think I'll end up moving to sydney, if I'm being realistic about it, just because I won't be able to support myself... so if I stay in wollongong I might to a double degree of psychology and philosophy... or english... or creative arts... OR I DON'T KNOW AHHH !!

    Yes, so, now you know about my future anxieties... haha,

    I'm Phoebe, by the way XD
    Oh wow, you're ranks are so good! What is your school ranked? O:

    Chemistry is... well... that's a tough question.

    I'm more of a humanities person too. I love english, love love love it. I'm coming 1/150 for advanced and 1/50 for ext and it's my favourite subject :shy:

    But then sometimes it's so refreshing just to do things that are logical and linear and can be organised into beautiful little dot points in a nice sequential way, XD So for that reason, I like chemistry and biology too, just to have a break from thinking subjectively. It depends, I'm finding that the balance is good for me. :p I'm 2/53 for biology (only 1 mark difference between first ARG) and 5/63 for chem. And then just for the creativity side I have art, which is my passion, and I'm coming 1/14.
    dunno about english, i think i stuffed up,
    but yeh a tad bit disappointed with ext 1, wanted to get 80/84, but nah couldnt do it, i will just settle for 77.
    and hows the HSC experience for u so far, 3rd week in i believe?
    Haaw, no actually I didn't D: Last year I did 13 though;

    3U english,
    2U maths
    2U chem
    2U bio
    2U art
    1U philosophy and
    1U National art school course.

    But then I dropped maths and philo and the art course, so down to 9, then picked up ex2 english, so up to 10... So no, unfortunately I can't say I ever empathised with your 14 unit situation XD
    But 13 was intense enough for me!!

    Have you decided what to do yet? What are you other subjects?
    ahaha, how i wish. top guy in our school thinks he got 114.
    unfortunately i am ranked 3/8.
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