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  • Hey, I was just wondering how you got into theatre and acting ! What you do sounds quite fascinating and I'm curious on how you got started :) thanks!
    jb is good mate...where do u live? yeah i go to big w too...i got like 250 dvds tho haha...ive spent most my time, money on them...i wanna direct and write movies ay...but aus has no money
    ok ill check it out...damn the weatherwoman...i saw number 2 at borders...and got a lil turned on haha...borders has heaps of good foreign films...altho they are a bit pricy tho...
    hey, i absolutely loved your ideas for ur drama gp and ip....
    i know this is probably really crazy but was wondering if u could give me any of ur ideas that u didnt use that i could work with...
    was just wondering... thanks xxxx
    hello there, seems like you are in demand on this website, not sure if you remember me I was 'enquiring' about Patrick Suskind's The Pigeon. Started reading a bit of it earlier and so far the 'sense of belonging' I have squeezed from it is that the character prefers to live in a world separated from everything, hates confrontation, change to routine, communication etc. I havent finished reading the whole book but am I on the right track or am I missing anything? Thanks again for your help
    Hi my name is joseph I found your
    thread about the crucible . Would it be okay if I got the notes off you...
    I don't seem to understand the crucible.


    my email is joseph_eid_93@hotmail.coom
    Hi my name is joseph I found your
    thread about the crucible . Would it be okay if I got the notes off you...
    I don't seem to understand the crucible.

    Hi, I found your
    thread about Brecht notes and essay. Would it be okay if I got the essay off you...
    I don't seem to understand Brecht as well as everyone else in the class.
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