Why do the more "serious" people do 11-13 units? I'm doing 12 right now, but if I can cope with MX2 I'll drop Engineering so I go down to 10 units, but I'm curious as to why people prefer more than 10 units.
Couple of reasons. One was the teacher. Another one was that our 4 possible choices of topics were development geography, natural resource use, political geography and cultural integration. I was interested in natural resource use and political geography. Our teacher decided to choose the other...
Well, I'd probably feel quite bad as well. But the thing that matters the most is making sure they sent in the right ranks to the BOS, so if they've done that it'll help more than getting your name on a wall or getting a trophy.
Chem doesn't suck. And if you're good at 3U, then you should be alright for 4U. That being said, our Head of Maths Dept said that 4U candidates should preferably be doing well in 2U and 3U without having to work their backsides off. But 86% after studying is fine.
Well it ensures that it doesn't affect the ATAR unless you do well in it, but people can't bludge it because it still counts.
Meh, just my thoughts. I'll be doing the Adv course in 4 weeks time, so it won't affect me anyway.
In that case, JINOUGA is not actually being silly.
The letter is interesting, and me being bad at English (and also hating it) would love to see English stay compulsory but not have to count towards your ATAR, but English is a compulsory subject in countries all around the world. I don't see...
Even more intellectual? Give them a Maths/Science question and see them screw their mind over trying to figure out what to do. "Intellect" cannot be easily determined. You can be more intellectual than someone else granted that it's in the same field (i.e Physics ONLY, English ONLY, 4U Maths...
Yeah... last proper holiday! Will I study? Probably a bit. Will I rest? No. Will I game? Yes! But that's just me. I would much rather take it easy in the holidays and get myself ready for Year 12 when it properly starts than start 2 weeks early. I know people who started early when heading into...
2 units of english must count towards your ATAR. Sucks so much for those who hate english, but it's excellent for those who love english. I've been hoping for ages they might do the same thing with Maths, but alas, not for a while!
Amundies here (from Blackwattle Bay) :)
- English Advanced
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Extension 1 Maths
- Extension 2 Maths (hopefully)
- Engineering Studies (at least for the first few weeks if I do MX2)
ATAR Aim: 95. Probably won't reach it, but no harm in setting high goals! Want to...