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  1. sweet_chick

    Quanta to Quarks thoughts

    come on that was so easy all you have to know is the symbols and that all the numbers have to add up i just hope the little v sign means neutrino
  2. sweet_chick

    Multiple Choice

    Ok heres what i put, 1 A 2 D 3 B 4 C (D looks more like a diagram for orbital decay, as the redcution in speed is large and instantaneous compared to slow gradual for orbital decay i chose C) 5 B (but i admit im wrong) 6 B ( cause of the whole perpendicular to magnetic field crap) 7 D...
  3. sweet_chick

    King Lear at Bondi Pavillion?

    well i liked it. We went on tuesday the 10th. I thought it was good, more entertaining than the movies i've seen. The very first scene with Kent, Edmund and Glouster was confusing till i realized that he was playing both Kent and Edmund. The rest of my school didnt like it but most of them...
  4. sweet_chick


    well ok just to prove he/she will have blue eyes as far as i can trace back to granparents everyone in my family has blue eyes, and yes natstar all babys are born with blue eyes. Although im not sure about black babies. and yes white spazzy i will be applying to every scholarship i am...
  5. sweet_chick

    Supp Texts - Imaginative

    I was going to choose 'i have a dream' speech by Martin Luther King can someone just explain how they would relate it to imaginative journeys so i know im not off track
  6. sweet_chick


    although eye colour is a little more complex than just two alelles. But just simplifying it a bit blue eyes is recessive therefore both my bf and i have say bb genes. bb crossed with bb can only produce bb (blue eyes). but my paretns both have blue eyes and both his parents have blue eyes...
  7. sweet_chick

    Worried...what can I do??

    I cant believe they do that. I also go to government school and all my classes except english only have about 7 students one class only has 3 but they dont cut any classes. I agree with what other people have said and use you time effectively. I have one free period a day because im doing 4...
  8. sweet_chick


    Well we were discussing genes and all that crap, part of biology course. My bf and i both have blue eyes therefore all our children will have blue eyes.
  9. sweet_chick

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Yeah it was a terrible thing that happened to you but if were going to snap when someone said something you should have given us a warning. I also assumed that it was your choice because of the way it was said with no explanation as if it was nothing special and as (not that it happened to me)...
  10. sweet_chick


    Well as a few ppl have said i didnt start this post to see what yall thought about this i was just curious to see if their were any ppl in my situation. I don't expect many of you to fully understand this situation as a) you don't know me and b) even my friends at school who know me haven't got...
  11. sweet_chick

    WHERE ARE YOU UP2? (take 3)

    Umm we've done complex numbers, polynomials and nearly finnished conics
  12. sweet_chick

    Friday off

    Does any other schools have friday off. Last year we had Fridays off. well we were meant to study in the library but not many ppl did., This year because not many ppl were going to school and a lot of yr 11 and 12 were giving our school a bad rep on fridays they changed it. We have to go...
  13. sweet_chick

    Early starts

    i have to be at school at 8 Monday, Wednesday and Friday for extension math classes. Tuesday is 8.30 start for every1. Thursday is only day i start normal time 9.
  14. sweet_chick

    School Fees - How much do/did you pay for Education?

    i go to government school $45 general school contributions i think some subjects have fees as well but none of mine do
  15. sweet_chick


    Yes i knew the risk that why i started the pill before i started having sex but hey im still pregnant. I think i am being accountable for my actions by having this baby and not taking the easy way out and having an abortion. My year advisor says i will get special provisions my own room...
  16. sweet_chick


    Yea why not at least at the end ill be able to provide better for my child. I have plenty of support from family and my gorgous bf so as long as i can afford to live i will be going to uni.
  17. sweet_chick

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    Yeah. He wasnt to happy but it wont happen again it was just some experimentation.
  18. sweet_chick

    If you've lost your virginity, at what age?

    13 but im still with the guy
  19. sweet_chick

    Any girls here who would get it on with another girl?

    Yea I've been with two chicks. First was my best friend we were drunk, we still friends to this day. Then I went to scotland last x-mas hollidays and got with this chick on two separate equations. I wasn't drunk. Oh i'm not les maybe bi but i have a bf of 4 yrs
  20. sweet_chick

    How many topics u done?

    We have just started topic 2 I'm afraid we aren't going to finnish the course. The school across the road has nearly finnished their second topic. Our techer sucks. He turns up to class half way through unorganised and spends about 10 mins running around working out what we have done...