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  1. M


    What are the School Partners and SAM scholarships? I didn't know they had anything other than those automatic ones for getting 99+ etc
  2. M

    How do i Accept?

    I think you only have to sign the form - which is probably hard to do with you overseas. And if she's not going there in person to give it to them, she has to put "please send acceptance/enrollment package to.... (your address)"
  3. M

    Official Macquarie Uni 2004 Student List

    Hey majesty can you tell us a bit more about summer school? like how long it goes for, when it begins and how many hours etc to do one subject? I'm not worried about this summer cos i'm only first year, but in later years it may be of use..
  4. M

    accepting offers

    So, let me get this right, if you're a first year student you ignore the whole "you go on the day of your department" thingy and you can rock up and enrol any day starting on the 2nd of february? Does it say in the package they give you this week at acceptance, cos i haven't been yet to get...
  5. M


    i thought you weren't allowed to enrol til your departments day? What is the department for arts/law anyway?
  6. M


    Ok cool thanks. That timetable thing is hella good. I just don't wanna have it all planned out and get there and the class times i want to enrol in are all full, and my whole plan is stuffed up. *fingers crossed* i guess there's nothing i can do about it really.
  7. M

    so who's a macquarie student?

    When IS subject selection though? Like February? Any dates???
  8. M


    How does enrolment work anyway? Is that where you go on the day of your faculty, and they run three seperate days? I'm doing arts/law so i'd have no idea which to go to. Also, do you really have to get there heaps early to get the timetable you want?
  9. M

    Official Macquarie Uni 2004 Student List

    Thanks for that! So second year i might have a chance but i have to have a pretty damn good GPA and a reason too.
  10. M

    How do i Accept?

    For futute reference, if i'm catching the train up from the South coast to macquarie uni, what am i best doing? Going to central station, train to epping then bus? Or bus from central/town hall to macquarie? Or what??? I have no idea how it works.
  11. M

    How do i Accept?

    You don't have to go there if anyone wants to know, i'm just faxing my form up with my address so they can send me that package of enrolment info, i rang them and they said it was fine.
  12. M

    Official Macquarie Uni 2004 Student List

    Out of curiousity, are you allowed to do more than the eight units/subjects in one year? Not that i'm planning to first year cos it would be too much work, but just say you needed to fit an extra subject in, do they give you permission? is there a maximum credit points not just a minimum?
  13. M

    Official Macquarie Uni 2004 Student List

    Arts/Law first year. -Law (the two core ones) -Psychology (the two intro's + statistics) -English (intro to english) -Cultural studies (ive forgotten what) -Philosophy (critical thinking)
  14. M


    Well, cos you're a non-law student, to be allowed to study this subject you have to have two things: 1) 18 credit points in non-law subjects, so you have to have done 18 credit points worth of other subjects (e.g. your psychology and other arts subjects) before you're allowed to do law, which...
  15. M

    so who's a macquarie student?

    Not all of us can get the 99.3 or whatever for UNSW! :)
  16. M


    In the handbook, when you look up the red section it will tell you what you need to do law units - if it says "only for students in the B laws" then you can't. Otherwise you're allowed. I think most arts units/subjects are 3 credit points, again it says it in the handbook :) You have to...
  17. M

    so who's a macquarie student?

    Me me me !!!! I'll be a new arts/law clubmac member.
  18. M


    My friend's doing this course and i'm 90% sure that in the first year, you do THREE psychology units (core units, you don't get a choice) and then you have FIVE free units to use on Arts subjects. You have one psychology unit in first semester and one in second semester, then the third unit...
  19. M

    Changing preferences -- too late??

    Is there any way to find out which uni's and courses make late round offers? Or is it basically just luck on a year to year basis depending on what's not full?
  20. M

    Double Degrees and GenEd

    So, some uni's let you do more units then you are required to? Is this just cos you want to study more, like say you really wanted to do philosophy but you couldn't fit it in with all your other crap? Or does it mean the next year you have to do less to balance it out.