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  1. inasero

    The world is coming to an end

    I hate to say it, it's going to happen to it whether you want it to or not...some people even think it's going to happen in our lifetime, which doesn't seem all that crazy when you think about our current political and environmental situation. The problem is that we've been going against...
  2. inasero

    The world is coming to an end

    four horsemen of the apocalypse- religious deception, war, famine and disease it's all there in teh Bible, no joke fortunately it's only the end of this rotten world and we can look forward to something better
  3. inasero

    Where to buy real swords?

    dealsdirect had swords not too long ago, medieval types too your friend would like
  4. inasero

    panick (?) symptoms

    oh man...i knew someone who had bad side effects on 5 no-doz...tell us what happened that time, i'm curious
  5. inasero


    what's norfolk air? never heard of it..
  6. inasero

    weirdest food

    lol 'balut'...NSFW
  7. inasero

    What would you do if you won in excess of $10 million?

    interesting i was thinking of this question the other day... i think i'd give the majority to the church (say, 60%)...then 20% to charities 10% to family and i'd put the rest in a bank. i've got pretty much most things i need already so i suppose i'd save for a rainy day "Give me neither...
  8. inasero

    weirdest food

  9. inasero

    weirdest food

    It looks alright until you find out the terrible truth about what it really is-
  10. inasero

    weirdest food

    you think that's bad- how about live octopus? go see old boy you'll know what i mean ;)
  11. inasero

    cheap classics??

    second hand bookshops are okay (don't go to berkelouw they're overpriced), and op-shops are good too for new classics the best i've found so far would probably be kinokuniya- they stock wordsworth (cheaper than penguin)
  12. inasero

    having usb problems help!

    i think you're supposed to eject manually yeah...i always used to pull it out until somebody pointed out i could do serious damage anyhow back to the original story- turns out the "8gb usb" i bought off ebay was in fact 1gb or something ridiculous like that...apparently alot of sellers do...
  13. inasero

    Science vs. Religion

    on a more serious note, i don't think science and religion are incompatible as einstein said- "religion without science is lame; science without religion is blind...", so true! through science, i have a greater appreciation of God's hand working in the order of creation.
  14. inasero

    Sharp pain on the right side of my stomach

    lol i get ya you mean ruptured colostomy
  15. inasero

    weirdest food

    yeah man...camel penis tonic ftw!
  16. inasero

    What the hell are woman thinking!

    from what i understand...she's still into you but of course she's not going to tell you that up front. when she says she's not annoyed by you wanting to maintain your privacy truth is, she really is- doesn't take einstein to figure it out. you, my man, have to be extra careful you're not...
  17. inasero

    weirdest food

    lol i see a disturbing trend towards chinese foods here...reminds me of a saying i heard back in high school: "the chinese will eat everything with four legs except for a table, and everything with two wings except for a plane"
  18. inasero

    weirdest food

    isn't that the one you cook with ginger as a dessert? yeah it's nice i have it when i go out sometimes :) how about that Chinese black moss? looks like hair, kinda creepy- tastes good but: (fourth one down)
  19. inasero

    Foods that make you go 'eww'...

    dude i was being facetious!