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  1. M

    who's better at 4unit maths?-boys or girls

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    HSC Tips - Complex Numbers

    ... hmmm.. i kinda asked for u to do one Thx
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    HSC Tips - Complex Numbers

    Q: Do one circle geometry Q using complex numbers please! I really thought U could do that, now its confirmed. A: Many circle properties can be proved with Complex Numbers.
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    Thermodynamics Of Hell

    ... Man , no offense but thats shit stuff. Especially if ur writing stuff like that in relation to chem...
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    Photoelectric effect and semiconductors

    ..... This is probably dumb(im making it up now) But we know that conduction only happens in a semi conductor if extra energy is given to the semiconductor(by thermal or other forms..) And we know that Conduction happens when electrons move into holes. Well obviously there is no...
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    Projectile Motion!!

    This should help for ppl needing help in the concepts To solve Projectile questions u must understand a few concepts. (1)The velocity throughout the trajectory(the path taken by the projectile which is parabolic) is constantly changing. This trajecotry velocity has Vertical and Horizontal...
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    ... "by the way which topic should i study more for motors and gen, space or from idea to implementation" As to this, im sure most will tell u they all have sections worth 25 marks each. You should try to study the topic ur doing now first(excluding any parts your teacher says will not be...
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    Need help in Organising time!

    .. "And write out examples of harder questions ..." Im the worst at doing that. I get blank when i even try to remember one question i did, lol. Does that really help too much to practice? I've been alright lately without doin it, but not too well.
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    strange volumes Q

    ... in the 3u books why do they use the fundamental theorem of calculus to prove simpsons rule? Use something that can give u exact areas and volumes to prove a formula that can give u an approximation??? Is it because using simpsons rule is faster and u can use it to find the area under...
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    HSC Exam: 27/10/03

    .. "we will open up the thoughts forums once the exams commence" Don't make it sound as if the exams are coming very soon. lol i know they are, but ahh..... haha
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    Need help in Organising time!

    ... yeah start the summaries, i should too!
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    Production of Materials assesment

    Outcomes of assesment. 1. Describes and predicts reactions involving carbon compounds. 2. Explains reactions between elements and compounds in terms of atomic structures and periodicy. 3. Describes the chemical basis of energy transformations in chemical reactions. 4. Describes and...
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    k thanx If u're still awake now , can u plz help me find out The author of Physics Context 2 and help me refrence it and excel. Anyone help lol. I cant find my Context 2 book anymore maybe its under those flooded papers lol.
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    ..... yeah. I figured it was the way u said for most. But "but the second just continues to absorb the photon energy behind the first, keeping them together." Knocked something into me :) Thanx. And for this assignment i have when they say discuss the applications of...
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    ... I know this but i dont understand why this distortion occurs only when an electron passes a positive ion for a superconducting material. Why not with a normal conductor? Also do cooper pairs form in normal conductors but break instantly, because isnt a phonon also emitted because of the...
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    why does an electron increase the momentum of positive ions and why would this cause distortion? this is to do with the BCS theory and superconductivity.
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    Need help!

    ... Anyone know? Also i just read vibrational energy is heat ??? Doesnt it just cause heat?
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    Need help!

    I need help with the forming of cooper pairs. The Pauli Exclusion Principle states that two Indistinguishable electrons cannot occupy the same quantum level or state. I know that if two electrons have different spins then they are distinguishable and as a consequence of the principle...
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    the most popular textbook

    .... nah id rather volumes..
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    integration problem ..

    .... And with definte integrals the -3/2 gets taken off anyway ( when finding the value). ( if u used substitution) :cool: :)