Search results

  1. N

    Arts/Law at UNSW

    Who else is doin this coursee???? anyone out there
  2. N

    Arts/Law at UNSW

    Thanks heaps
  3. N

    Arts/Law at UNSW

    Hi just a few questions if anyone could help me out, Since I'm doing a combined law degree, do i/ can i major in something for my arts degree, and second, can i complete an arts honours degree aswell? Thankkks
  4. N

    UNSW Unipass

    Thanks heaps
  5. N

    UNSW Unipass

    Hey everyone, Does anyone know how to get the unipass for the unsw unimail??
  6. N

    Easiest subject

    Society and Culture. Nigga please.
  7. N

    What Raw Mark u think u got?

    Thats awesome, lookin at those marks you'll get a state ranking lol
  8. N

    What Raw Mark u think u got?

  9. N

    Society and Culture:General Exam Thoughts

    Section 1 was fukn piss easy Essays were harder then usual for hsc exam Had many concepts to deal with that usually aren't considered Ah well we'll see how we went when exams come BTW Does anyone know when the PIP awards will be announced?
  10. N

    Marks back for PIP

    Re: Pip Yes I'm thinkin the same thing too
  11. N

    james-an college tutoring ??

    Do you know the REAL Mr Tishler! He is deputy principal of MFHS Gayest cunt ever
  12. N

    Top Schools of 2006

    lol you went to that study day? Yeh, shes my teacher for sac shes bloody awesome Our school has potential..but like most schools...alot of students do have the potential but don't perform
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    Top Schools of 2006

    Macquarie Fields High School will be in top 5 this year
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    PIP Awards for 2006

    When will they be released???
  15. N

    Anyone received their 2006 PIP back???

    Have the PIP's been given back already?
  16. N

    What to do now?

    A fun and exciting career prospect would be to deal crack Lonely people=Crack sellers heaven
  17. N

    HSC Results in the Media?

    If we come top 10 for a subject in the state Do we get notified?
  18. N

    Lost Pin

    Where do we get our results from anyways?
  19. N

    After the HSC marks and UAI

    Whose goin to Big FUCKING Day OUT????