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  1. M

    procedure to take 5 subjects during a semester...?

    Huratio is correct. I was going to do 5 subjects this semester. They have a box where it asks you why you need to overload. In this box, it is best to tell them why you need to overload and also how you intend to cope with the increased study load. It is true about needing to complete a...
  2. M

    The UTS 2009 Rollcall

    People accepting 2009 offers...welcome to UTS BOS. For the roll call, Huratio.... maka, B Business (HRM)/Law [4th year]
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    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Secks!!' Thread Huratio in regards to the comments about marking off named during lectures, I would add that it is dependent upon what sort of "lecture" it is. Whilst, the uni uses the term "lecture", sometimes the 3 hr classes termed lectures are actually seminars...
  4. M

    Internal transfer from kuring-gai to city + exemptions from UWS business course?

    You should note that some majors are only offered in the City but are still available to Kuringai based students. In that case, you will be able to study on the City campus without making a formal internal transfer. You should check the UTS timetable against the majors you wish to complete...
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    UTS - Semester 2 2008 Guestimates + Official Results (17 December 2008) thread

    goan crazy..... John was really good about getting my mark back to me. I ended up with a C.
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    UTS - Semester 2 2008 Guestimates + Official Results (17 December 2008) thread

    I am waiting for a response regarding my mark for Equity and Trusts as well. I sent an initial email that may have gone to an incorrect email address though; so I thought I should chase it up again now.
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    Law w/ 94.65 UAI

    You would go close.
  8. M

    Co op and buying texts before semester starts

    I would do what Huratio recommended. I have been to lectures before where people have bought 2 $100 texts and the lecturer just says pick which one you want. Its often best to wait. However, LRM would be the Ellis text and the Legal Research book. Criminal Law should be the blue...
  9. M

    Insearch Help For Engineering

    Musk is absolutely right. Go to another uni such as UWS, work hard (enough to get the transfer marks) and then transfer to UTS.
  10. M

    UTS - Semester 2 2008 Guestimates + Official Results (17 December 2008) thread

    Lmr: 77 D Osc: 77 D Comm Law: 75 D Equity: Witheld
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    UTS - Semester 2 2008 Guestimates + Official Results (17 December 2008) thread

    I'll post my results when I get a chance goan_crazy
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    UTS - Semester 2 2008 Guestimates + Official Results (17 December 2008) thread

    goan crazy.... I have Equity as enrolled. I have OSC as planned even though I should get a D for it. Its fucked.
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    UTS - Semester 2 2008 Guestimates + Official Results (17 December 2008) thread

    Not having a go at you Jian at all, even though it sounds like I might be. I am just nervous about what could have potentially happened. Not worth the worry in the future.
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    UTS - Semester 2 2008 Guestimates + Official Results (17 December 2008) thread

    goan crazy.... The whole process is fucked. For some reason Equity is still enrolled. Everyone I have spoken to have the same. Then I have other subjects from this semester to be enrolled in the coming semester. Weird. I think I might avoid the tricks in future.
  15. M

    Enrolment for Classes in 2009

    I think I might overload and do 5 subjects in the Autumn semester since IP is just 4 Saturdays. 4x Law (Corporate, Evidence, Remedies, IP) 1x Business (Managing Strategic Performance)
  16. M

    Enrolment for Classes in 2009

    All I need is someone to drop out of Evidence tut at 9:30. I had to switch my subjects a bit. Remedies, HRM subject, Evidence and IP in Autumn Ethics, Litigation, Admin and Corp in Spring
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    Enrolment for Classes in 2009

    goan crazy.... I am doing Intellectual Property now because the lawyers I have spoken to have said that all lawyers nowadays need to understand IP.
  18. M

    Easiest Business Major

    The simplest way is to look at the core subjects. If you did well in: Marketing Fundamentals- do Marketing MPO- do HR or Management FBF- do Finance Accounting for Bus- do Accounting Eco for Bus- do Economics Accounting 2- do Accounting Corporate Strategy- do HR or Management Business...
  19. M

    General UTS chit-chat

    Re: The UTS 'Get Naked and Sexams are on!!' Thread Exams are over! 3 semesters to go! However unlike ragnarok, I can wait for F/T work. Although the money would be good.