Just mention uni colleges too, that'll help.
Seriously: That really sucks. I know so many ppl who fake special consideration, and in your case it's quite disappointing the uni could not help you better.
Sorry to say this, but you have no chance with colleges. You might have a chance with sydney uni village, or perhaps find a share house? As someone said above, contact the unversity's accomodation service.
LOL, no FINSIA was good before. Had lots of front office people doing courses there. Now that it's changed to KAPLAN, its gone down the tube.
You work in banking omni, you're ignorant ;)
Um that's not correct. Go search the whirlpool thread on BHPB vac programs and see what marks people had. I certainly didn't have straight HDs and I made it in to both.
The key is to apply everywhere, no matter what grades/experience you have.
BHPB and RIO have the biggest intakes for...
FINSIA was good before Kaplan bought it. Now the notes are shit, and the course structure is a mess (so I hear). I would probably do it at a uni, but ignore what the above poster has said. FINSIA was quite good before it was sold.
I agree, having lived in college equivalents for work. You get pretty tight with your crew. You get over food fast and learn to accept it.
It's pretty awesome. Really hope I get an offer and the scholarship.