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  1. goldendawn

    Why do you read?

    Yeah, I guess it comes down to what you really like in a book and in what context, and that could be different for everyone. I've been so starved for a book lately - I've got nothing interesting to read at home :o
  2. goldendawn

    Why do you read?

    I read for 'recreation' - most often before I go to sleep at night, but I can only read books I find stimulating - books where you can really see the author has a sense of artistry and a love of writing. For me, reading has always been something to look forward to at the end of the day, a chance...
  3. goldendawn

    The meaning behind your avatar

    Well, what can I say :p. It's me, or more specifically, an amateur 'model shot' of me, which (being vain), I decided would make a nice avatar.
  4. goldendawn


    omg, I recently bought boots too! Not as comfortable to wear as Lynn's, though. :o
  5. goldendawn

    Anyone doing LNGS1005?

    Funny thing happened today. I was handing in my weekly Linguistics problem set, and after looking at the assignment box, I realised - I don't do LNGS1005! I do LNGS1001. Nemuca - you must think I'm a total idiot for making such a dumb mistake and referring to 'Yimas' - the language our professor...
  6. goldendawn

    Any GREEK students (ancient, middle, modern - whatever pops your cork)?

    Funky Semantics! "to work" is "to be slavish"! It's funny how learning two versions of the same language at the same time can confuse the crap out of you. In Modern Greek, the (first person, present, indicative, active) verb 'δουλεύω' means 'I work' - e.g 'δουλεύω στο Ζαχαροπλαστείο᾽ - 'I work...
  7. goldendawn

    Legality of charging to watch unrented films

    I think it's an unfair and uncreative use of privileges bestowed by the University. A society should be finding ways to both expand membership and improve the services it provides. This scheme appears to achieve neither; bumping up membership costs sounds like a step backwards, and only allowing...
  8. goldendawn

    Anyone doing LNGS1005?

    I'm doing Structure of Language! Don't you just love Yimas, :p. I'm not in your tute, though - and my notes are illegible :(.
  9. goldendawn

    The USYD 'Get Fat and Fail' thread

    six spring rolls, entire tub of lemon chicken, two glasses of coke... Greek assessment tomorrow...
  10. goldendawn

    Homosexuality in Australia

    That was not implied. Mardi Gras is a festival, and it aims to express sexuality. Why? Because for a minority it encourages visibility and engagement with the majority. I think it's unfortunate that more often than not it fuels stereotypes.
  11. goldendawn

    Homosexuality in Australia

    Yes - queer teenagers often engage in extremely fucked up high risk behavior. I already adressed that point. I never said I liked it, or that I think it's the right way to go - I simply said that I can empathise with the reasons behind it. The majority of gay couples who want to adopt have...
  12. goldendawn

    Homosexuality in Australia

    I agree with your point that the 'I'm-a-victimised-minority card' can be, and has been abused, and especially in a society that is slowly but surely increasingly supporting gay people. But it's also true that many gay people don't want to sit down and shut up, whether or not they are receiving...
  13. goldendawn

    Any GREEK students (ancient, middle, modern - whatever pops your cork)?

    Not the Romans, the Greeks, hehe! And well - like it or not, it's been pronounced 'varvaros' for at least the last thousand years, :p.
  14. goldendawn

    Any GREEK students (ancient, middle, modern - whatever pops your cork)?

    Modern Greek Phonology I'm going to test out some newly acquired linguistics skills to see if I can solve a peculiarity of modern Greek pronunciation. The letter υ is sometimes pronounced /f/ (voiceless labiodental fricative), sometimes pronounced /v/ (voiced labiodental fricative) when it...
  15. goldendawn

    Any GREEK students (ancient, middle, modern - whatever pops your cork)?

    Funny you should mention sheep. In ancient Attic plays, sheep sounds are rendered - ᾽βη βη!᾽. Historical linguists use this as evidence that ancient Attic Greek β was pronounced /b/ (voiced bilabial plosive), and η as a mid back vowel - /e/ or possibly /a/ in earlier times. According to...
  16. goldendawn

    John Howard Hates the HSC English Syllabus

    I don't like the syllabus or the pm. It's the ridiculous ridiculing the ridiculous. To be honest, how is cramming analysis of six or more texts into a 45min essay positive learning? The hsc is so exam centred that students are taking whatever shortcuts they can to satisfy a rubric. It's not...
  17. goldendawn

    Role of Police

    Change of nomenclature can make it sound more like a euphemism and even more twisted, lol. Like in "A Handmaids Tale", the secret service are called something like "The Eyes of God", and the army are called "Angels".
  18. goldendawn

    Any GREEK students (ancient, middle, modern - whatever pops your cork)?

    Some Greek tongue twisters (thanks to Professor Vras - and to me for the transliterations, :p): Ο ρητωρ ρερητορευε το ρερητορευμενο ρω (reputed to have been said by Demosthenes) - hence ancient Attic pronunciation: o rE.taw.r rere.torEue to rere.toreumEno rAW. NB: "." indicates a long...
  19. goldendawn

    Any GREEK students (ancient, middle, modern - whatever pops your cork)?

    Μπράβο Ροβερτάκι! Nice, Rob :). 'Ομος "καλεσπερα" δεν εχει "ε", εχει "η" - ειναι "καλησπερα". Στην Αρχαία Ελληνικά, "ε" και "η" ήταν /ɛ/. Στην Κοίνη και Νεο Ελληνικά, "η" ειναι /i/. Where did you learn your conversational Greek? hehe
  20. goldendawn

    2nd person narration

    Yeah, it's present tense, not second person.