Search results

  1. R

    Uws engineering or Macquarie engineering

    Just put your preffs: 1 - UNSW Petrol Engg 2 - UTS Engg (do they have petrol??) 3 - USyd Chem Engg 4 - UWS/MQ 5 - UWS/MQ and then see what you get ~~~
  2. R

    UNSW and UWS dilemma!

    But they wouldn't be transferring internally??? UNSW and UTS are not the same uni ~~~
  3. R

    2nd Round Medicine Offers Advice!

    UNSW might've fucked up, because I know people who go there with less. You should probs check into it.
  4. R

    UNSW and UWS dilemma!

    Also, UWS Comm is probs as good as UNSW Arts (or better) and your competition to get high marks won't be fierce ^_^
  5. R

    Uws engineering or Macquarie engineering

    USyd Chem engg has a pretty low cutoff
  6. R

    Meeting girls post hsc

    All of dis ~~~ Yeah... no... Going to the club to pick up chicks will get you one of two things: 1) STIs 2) A rape conviction Works for me Nah, guys like this are shit regardless I know plenty of guys from coed schools who are the same you just don't notice them because they are so...
  7. R

    Possible Atheist Group

    Wait, we don't have an atheist group???~ Brb, filling in forms to make atheist group ~~~
  8. R

    B Sci (Avd), B Sci whats the difference? Entry into Med

    BSc and the advanced stream are the same in the first year the exact same BUT the advanced stream makes it easier for med entry you can transfer from any degree into med so it doesn't matter whether you do the reg stream, but the adv stream makes it easier.
  9. R

    UWS Medicine

    93.55 or greater The UMAT score is a threshold as well, but people say UMAT is more important because it is harder, because you are competing against only med wannabes. You should aim for 83%+ with a weighted 151+ We do, and no I can not, but I can say preparing for UWS interviews will get...
  10. R

    Petition: Against the new proposed tutorial system!!

    Yeah, even though the system won't effect me it does sound better for everyone. It's much more fair.
  11. R

    UWS Medicine Questionnaire :)

    B. 94.05-95 (94.75) 2011 ~~~ C. 151-155 (151.5) GWS (I live 10 mins from the uni `~~) I got an interview offer str8 away ~~~ But I got a Late Round Med CSP Bonded offer into the course I didn't study too much Just practice with my friend a little and that was like it Probs should've studied...
  12. R

    Medicine interviews already passed

    Yeah, there were interviews like 2 weeks ago, and then interviews during our stuvac. You should probs look into these things before next year or whatevs ~lol~
  13. R

    What happened???

    ^All this shit = LHS is right, enoilgam is wrong; showing us again that UNDS does not run like proper unis. HS - you have people who do all the same subjects, at different institutions, so the teaching level is different and you're fucked if your teacher is shit, etc. Whereas, at uni - people...
  14. R

    What happened???

    I actually don't know your name :/ ~~ Yeah, I assumed the umat thing too Oh yeah, deffs check out VCA! If you're going to Melbs then you're already there and stuff ~~~ my post probs didn't come across as well as I wanted (dat engrish) but hopefully it was helpful but still real like I don't...
  15. R

    Which is easier?

    Yeah like if the question was between men and women i wouldn't know which to pick maybe women just because men are usually simpler and stupider but that might just be because I'm exposed to smarter women than men But people are way harder to understand than maffz omg
  16. R

    Credit vs High Distinction?

    Just another thing to make you stand out from everyone else really. But if you aren't super academically gifted but can show you are able to work hard in other ways, i.e. work/volunteer experience, extra-curriculars, etc. then that might help balance things out. Depends on the degree though...
  17. R

    Social Uni?

    The last line is too true. UWS Events were practically unheard of before this year for me (and non-med events are still hard to come by) but now there are more and more things going on with the uni because all of the smart and enthusiastic kids are starting to go there But I doubt that will...
  18. R

    Social Uni?

    Yep, I was baiting lol But I have to say it's probs more religious just due to some of the students. E.g. This guy who went to my school goes to Notre Dame, and he has gained a few terribad fb friends. He will write some political-based status, and then they will all make...
  19. R

    Help with choosing my course!

    What do YOU want to do?
  20. R

    Repeat hsc?

    You only need 5.5 at UWS in the Advanced Science/Advanced MedSc streams. 95 is not competitive and brilliant for med. For med at UNCLE/UNE it is enough to pass a hurdle, and same at UWS if you are GWS, but to say it's ~competitive~ or ~brilliant~ would be wrong. A 6.4 GPA is good enough for...