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  1. inasero

    to sell or not to sell

    is indeed the question... when i bought my laptop comp it had 768MB DDR RAM. I'm using my comp mainly for word processing and web browsing, so will i notice any difference if i take out 256MB? cos i wanna flog it on ebay sometime soon.... My computer savvy friend says that it actually...
  2. inasero

    Plz help me! Newcastle med students[/CENTER] just copy and paste the coding above into your user CP and replace "cheese" with "url" and "blah" with "img" :)
  3. inasero

    hijahck this

    which effect specifically controls for that? because i dont want to set everything on maximum, plus it worked on my desktop except somehow, i forgot how i did it
  4. inasero

    hijahck this

    i use no wireless keyboard...where did you get that idea? anyhows thanks for having a look :) um another question i's my desktop and you can see under the icons the background behind the captions are do i change this so that the background is transparent? cheers
  5. inasero

    hijahck this

    oh those r my audio and video using an NEC laptop...are there any others i should be worried about? anyone? so how do I tell which of the above registries are malware without consulting forums all the time?
  6. inasero

    hijahck this

    don't know if this belongs in the right place, but here goes... Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1 Scan saved at 12:01:13 AM, on 20/11/2005 Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600) MSIE: Internet Explorer v6.00 SP2 (6.00.2900.2180) Running processes: C:\WINDOWS\System32\smss.exe...
  7. inasero

    Plz help me! Newcastle med students

    bob do u want the html coding for the hunger site banner so u dont have to make it look so ugly in ur sig? :p
  8. inasero

    reasonable rent amount in melbourne

    yep what she^ currently living in Clayton near Monash uni....(zone 3) i pay $90/week excluding all bills...but then again I live in a pretty new townhouse in the master bedroom if ur going to uni melb i dont recommend living in the city as its way bet is for you...
  9. inasero

    ATi announces new 1024MB graphics card!

    lol cheers mike im using it for ebay auctions...look out for my fine quality products there :)
  10. inasero

    ATi announces new 1024MB graphics card!

    Hokay now that I have your attention :) (sorry if i raised anyone's hopes) If anybody has the photoshop or paintshoppro know how, could I get some assistance in converting the "littlegreenapple" of this banner into "inasero online"? all help gladly appreciated! Cheers, Wilson
  11. inasero

    When are Monash interviews coming out?

    when I was applying there was no mention of a minimum requirement but that may have changed...whetehr that affects potential Deans Rural List students I'm not entirely sure...just follow the link in my monash uni banner below and have a browse, if its not there find someone to e-mail about it
  12. inasero

    Why did only humans develop our great brains?

    Indeed, I don't- that is what I am saying, but more on that later Okay then where did those cyanobacteria come from? Random amalgamation of proteins? Sorry but I'm not convinced a primordial sea of proteins can become a thinking/feeling organism by pure chance... Also, you seem to know your...
  13. inasero

    Torts Question

    haha david li is on the 2006 prospectus...just came across it yesterday
  14. inasero

    Torts Question

    touche.... although, i hasten to add that they didnt stuff up as such...probably more so the matter at hand were that they had such appalling communication skills that they got in deep water for something they should have stayed aloof of and thus relegated countless subsequent generations of...
  15. inasero

    Torts Question

    get off BoS you!! this is not fair- i have to study for ethics and law, do I see you studying neuroendocrine physiology, hmmm? edit: do you have any acts relating to doctors in victoria?
  16. inasero

    Torts Question

    "According to the principle of vicarious liability, in order to bring a successful action against the employer hospital, a plaintiff must prove that the doctor was engaged under a contract of services as an employee, rather than as an independent contractor under a contract for services"...
  17. inasero

    Anatomy - cranial nerves

    i realised thats prob too much info for you...hehe... um alvin already posted a good mnemonic...some others u might like: 1) OLd OPie OCcasionally tries TRigonometry and feels very GLoomy, VAGue and HYPOactive 2) Oh oh oh! To touch and feel a french virgin's glistening vagina and hymen...
  18. inasero

    Anatomy - cranial nerves

    yep alvin ill be sure to do plenty of taht next year...and also hang out in the ED/A+E and im not sure if this is what the person wanted...but yeah heres a file with the cranial nerves and its clinical assessment.
  19. inasero

    new stethoscope for sale

    3M Littmann Master Cardiology- the absolute best manual stethoscope around. Going for a very very good price...PM me for more details :)
  20. inasero

    Why did only humans develop our great brains?

    why don't you all suspend your disbelief and go for the simpler explanation- we were all created this way... it seems as though you're looking for a strictly evolutionary explanation're not going to find any sorry, amoeba living in a primordial ocean don't just become humans with...